Hello, neglected blog. Sometimes I wonder why I have a blog, just so I can feel guilty about not posting most likely :)
Just had to record a few of the funny things being said around here lately.
Grant: I know what "shoo fly" means.
Mom: Really, what does it mean?
Grant: It means you take a shoe and you squish a fly with it.
Garrett was talking about talents he has and said, "pretty much everything is a talent."
Shayla thought that was ridiculous and said, "Yeah, right, Garrett. My nose isn't a talent!"
Garrett shot back, "Well if you could wiggle it it would be."
One of the best things about having young kids is the constant free entertainment. Who needs TV? But if you need more of a laugh, check out
this. Tyler and I went to see Brian Regan in Minneapolis lately and laughed so hard our faces hurt.
Hope to post more soon!