Saturday, July 10, 2010

Time Out for Women

In our first ever sister's retreat I met up with my Mom and sisters and s-i-l in Pittsburg for Time Out for Women. It was such a wonderful weekend -- the only thing that would have made it better was if Sarah had been there. Next year, Sarah!Emily, Ang, Kris, McKay, Miya and Mom playing "Settlers" at the hotel and feasting on delicious popcorn (thanks, Em!)
Downtown Pittsburg was really pretty. This advertisement for PNC bank was made out of different plants--quite creative. (This one's for you, Seth!)

Kris, McKay, Lani and Mom

Kris, Ang and Mom by the same fountain

McKay got to borrow one of Miya's outfits after having a blow-out at the Chinese restaurant--what a cutie (but he still looks like a little man, even in ruffles)

I LOVE McKay's expression in this one!! Fierce!

Sisters, sisters...there were never such devoted sisters :)

Running into Danielle, a dear friend from Indiana was the icing on the cake!

They kept trying to hold hands. Cousin bonding taking place here.
My favorite quotes/thoughts of the weekend:
"Selective Neglect"
"The hardest part of being blind is...not seeing"
Hilary Week's "Climb every mountain" song, laundry version
listening to beautiful music and being inspired and filled with hope and joy,
and laughing a lot, because laughter heals the soul.
Can't wait for next year!


Holly said...

Sounds like so much fun! You all are so beautiful! Gotta love those sister times!

Stacey said...

That sounds like such a neat thing to do with your sisters and mom. What a great tradition. McKay and Miya look so adorable as well.

Angela said...

Looks so fun!

Emily and Seth said...

That was so fun to all get together! I love the pics. Thanks for posting them. I haven't gotten around to that one yet. Looking at the pic. of all of us, I guess I didn't realize that I was that much taller than everyone.

Emily said...

I am so glad you got to do this, it looks so fun, you definitly have to make it an annual event.