Monday, April 19, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Okay, here is a hodge-podge group of photos. I call it "Catching up with the Hackings and their lovely visitors." Catchy title, I know.

Fun with Grandma at the Mill Museum (left), and Tyler and Miya on Christmas Day 2009. Which one looks more tired?

Garrett and Eva, in disguise. She loved to wrap up in blankets and walk around. Our very own Mary, (or homeless person :)

Christmas morning--the excitement was tangible

A week of fun with Kristina and her girls Felicity and Eva--such good times!
Kris, you kept me sane during the month of December--I am indebted to you!

Sleepy sisters

In January Seth and Emily came out for a fun visit--so great to see you both! To see great photos/video footage of their visit, check out Emily's blog here
(thanks Emily!)
Miya 5 weeks old
Okay, that's all for now...more rambling catch-ups to come


Stacey said...

Your family is so beautiful. I am sorry to hear about Shayla's broken arm. That sounds like it would be stressful with a new baby. But as you stated earlier there are always perks. I love Miya's dress. Such a pretty girl. She fits in well with all your family.

Angela said...

Ha I love it. I don't think I ever knew Shayla broke her arm?