Tuesday, April 20, 2010

april fools

Tyler made breakfast on April Fool's day, and somehow the eggs turned blue and the milk turned blue and pink. Imagine that!
The missionaries joined us for dinner and Garrett and I decided to play a trick on them. We made my rhubarb coffee cake and told them it was a "chicken stuffing casserole" and served scoops of ice cream as mashed potatoes. One of the Elders got it and was playing along with it for the kids, but the other one was really baffled when he saw the "mashed potatoes." "Wait a minute--why are we having ice cream with dinner?!!"
Garrett then shouted, "April Fools!"
The best was when we were sitting up to dinner and Garrett said, looking at the "casserole," "Yum! Chicken casserole thingy!"


Angela said...

So funny!

Holly said...

You guys are always doing such fun stuff! Garrett is a crack-up!