Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Can you guess who this is?

Santa, that's who!

We inherited this Santa suit from my sil Emily H. and have had so much fun with it!! It is magical--thank you Emily!

Tyler got to deliver Christmas gifts to a few families in our ward in it, and then he made a special appearance (after falling off the roof) Christmas Eve as we gathered with some friends to reinact the nativity. I wish I had pictures of the kids' faces as they spotted Santa out the window, and then when he came in and gave them all candy canes and told them a Christmas secret. They were enthralled and I loved the magic of it all.

But the best moment was when Grant and my niece Felicity sneaked out of bed and were caught by Santa. Felicity froze, and slowly walked backwards into her room without saying a word. Grant just froze, deer in headlights style. Santa asked Grant if he wanted to sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. Grant thought about it for a minute, and then got a huge smile on his face and danced his way over to Santa's lap. Grant has been talking about "Sampa" ever since. "Sampa said "ho, ho, ho."

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Nicole said...

That's adorable! It's such a little kid thing to just walk backward and pretend like nothing has ever happened.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing ever! Ha!

Seth Jenson said...

I love it.

AmyJo said...

Love it! Heath and I were just talking over Christmas about wanting to get our hands on a santa suit. Maybe next year :)

Emily said...

I cannot think of a better home for the suit...and am dying to hear the falling off the roof story.

Holly said...

Great Santa! So fun to hear the kids reactions!