Sunday, December 27, 2009

Grateful for Garrett

The morning my Mom left to go back home, I was on the verge of tears, really missing her and feeling overwhelmed with everything. I was trying to get the kids' lunches made, sign school papers, then get Shayla dressed with snowpants, boots, hat, gloves, etc. and out the door to catch the bus, and Miya was crying. Garrett was very distressed that Miya was crying and was hovering over her trying to get her to stop. I asked him if he could help me by holding her, and he quickly agreed. I finally got Ty and Shayla out the door in time to catch the bus, turned around and this video is what I saw.

What a sweet Garrett I have. Suddenly I knew we were going to be okay because everyone would step up and help out and somehow we would make it. Tender mercies and answers to prayers.


Angela said...

Miya is lucky to have such good big brothers and a big sister!

Anonymous said...

You have taught them well. He is so young to have such empathy!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Leilani you are blessed. I love the emotion in your voice and can sense the gratitude you feel for that little guy. Tender mercies indeed.

The Wilsons said...

This is SO sweet--what wonderful children!!!

AmyJo said...

What a sweetheart!

Natalie said...

oh lani - i know just what you mean - each time y mom leaves after her new baby visit, i feel completely overwhelmed and have myself a little cry. thank heavens for an understanding heavenly father who can prompt kids and husbands to help us out when our worlds seem a bit too heavy to keep caring on our shoulders.

Holly said...

This makes me cry! Partly because I can totally sympathize with that overwhelmed feeling and also that it is just so sweet!

Sarah said...

Oh, those moments are some of the ones that make it all worthwhile. Congratulations on the little one! It is fun to see your family grow-your family is a special one!

Angie said...

Garrett is already ready to be the world's greatest dad!!! I loved the video -- it was even more precious than I imagined it. You are a wonderful mother and your kids are following in your footsteps :)

Laura Hyde said...

That is so adorable! I love that he is reading the book to her! So So So Sweet!