Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I balanced the camera on the stroller sun-visor, and set the timer--it started slipping but we kinda got the shot!

"Think Happy"
I think they are doing just that

The kids had a 5 day weekend for the WEA, and we planned to go up to Duluth and visit Lake Superior, but the weather was below freezing, and we wimped out.

Instead, we decided to play right here in our own backyard. We had a great time going to the Mall of America and riding all the rides one day, and then played at the indoor WaterPark of America the next. We also spent a day getting projects done around the house and then had a nice relaxing Sunday together. It was such a great family week together.

Grant was such a good sport--there weren't many rides he could do, but he had fun just hanging out with me and jumping everywhere he went.


Emily said...

Below zero already?! Hopefully that is the sign for an early spring. (Embrace the forecast, embrace the forecast...) Looks like you had so much fun! We sure miss you!

Angela said...

Looks like fun! One of these years we want to come up and visit in the winter and go to one of those indoor water parks!

Emily and Seth said...

Looks like you had a great time! I can't believe how big Grant is now! I wish we could come with your Mom at Thanksgiving to visit, but we'll just have to send all our love with her. Hope the pregnancy is going well!

Holly said...

What a great idea! I love the picture of you all on the log ride! So nice that it was all in doors, out of the cold!