Courtesy of some creative friends of ours--who knew we had such a cool name?!!
Definition of the Hacking Family:
When they are eating between meals, they are Snacking Hackings.
When they are piled up together, they are Stacking Hackings.
When they are going on vacation, they are Packing Hackings.
When they are fighting, they are Smacking Hackings.
When they are hunting, they are Tracking Hackings.
When they are flirting, they are Macking Hackings.
When they are at war, they are Attacking Hackings.
When they are poor, they are Lacking Hackings.
When they are encouraging others, they are Backing Hackings.
When they are celebrating Easter, they are Cracking Hackings.
When they are being kidnapped, they are Sacking Hackings.
When they are talking a lot, they are Yacking Hackings.
When they are sailing up wind, they are Tacking Hackings.
When they are playing the mole hitting game at the fair, they are Wacking Hackings.
When they are lazy, they are Slacking Hackings.
When they are polishing their Sunday shoes, they are Blacking Hackings.
When they are feeding ducks, they are Quacking Hackings.