Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dairy Days

The kids always love the petting zoo
Garrett really wanted to feed the cows

Grant and Garrett driving the tractor

Ahh, Grant takes after his mom

in regards to ice-cream-loving

Ty and Shayla with some friends

Makes me think of the song "Oklahoma!"

Grant having a chat with the cows

So living in Wisconsin has its perks. Like visiting this dairy farm that opened its doors to the city folk for a day. Wisconsin cheese curds, battered and deep fried, are the best! And the ice cream isn't bad either. I think I'm becoming a Wisconsin-gal. I really love it here--especially in the summertime.


Holly said...

How fun! I'm sure Porter would have stayed there to chat with you Grant "until the cows came home." We love you!

Angela said...

Deep fried cheese curd, ooh I want to try that!