Sunday, September 6, 2009

Book Review

I just read "I Am A Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson and LOVED it! It's a quick read--easy to pick up and read during 5 minute (okay, 15 minute) bathroom breaks. Jane was a successful host on the Early Show and news anchor, traveling around the world interviewing political leaders, successful people, famous people, etc. She walked away from all of that when she became a mother, and decided to be a stay-at-home mom. I loved the honesty and candor of her book about the challenges of being a stay-at-home mom, but the fact that she never loses sight of the importance of what she is doing and how she is shaping her children.

She tells of one interview she did with Phyllis Diller (a famous comedian) who shows her her huge shoe collection and tells the story of each pair of shoes, who she performed with, what lessons she learned while wearing those shoes, why she loved each pair of shoes. Jane had gone to the interview with preconceived notions about Phyllis and her over-the-top comedy and personality, and had judged her. During the interview she found a real soul mate and made a friend for life, realizing her prior judgement was way off. Her point was that all of us moms, stay-at-home, working, single, in school, whatever our various roles may be, need to stick together. We are all doing the best we individually can and need to give others the benefit of the doubt, not judge, but love and support all of the other mothers around us. Until we have walked in another's shoes, we really don't know enough to judge.

I have been guilty of saying, "I'm just a mom," when asked what I do. I've never meant it in a derrogatory way, but it has popped out of my mouth that way before I could stop it. I boldly declare to the world that I AM A MOTHER--BEST JOB IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! And I wouldn't trade it for a thing.


Stacey said...

That sounds like a great book. I remember reading something about it a while ago and thinking I wanted to read that book. Thanks for reminding me. I would add you are not only a mother, the best job in the world, but an amazing mother. You continue to inspire me.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite books! When I heard that Jane wrote a book on motherhood, I was at first very annoyed since her kids were just babies. What wisdom could she POSSIBLY be passing on so soon?! I read it, but only to see how ridiculous it was.

It was awesome, and I felt really ashamed at how I had jumped to a conclusion about this woman- another mother just trying to hold me up. Great, great book.

Holly said...

Oh I loved this book too! I had to read it with a box of tissues though. It was so touching and made me feel so blessed to be a mom. Lani you are seriously the greatest mom! I learn so much from your example!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Needed to read this review today: when I'm feeling like "just a mom" of all days! Will have to add that book to my wish list. Thanks.

Laura Hyde said...

Cool, I think I'll find a copy of that book. I agree with what has been said, eventhough I rarely get to see you, I've seen you enough with your kids that I hope to have the relationship you have with your kids with my own one day. I hope my kids are as cute too! That probably helps a lot.