Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's a...


I was totally shocked, but Shayla knew all along that she was getting a little sister. We had all of the kids in the ultrasound room with us, plus a good friend we were watching that day. What a party! The doctor asked us if we had any names picked out, and before Tyler and I could say no, Shayla responded, "Yes, we're going to call her Elise."
Okay, at least we know who this baby belongs to now. :)

I am feeling huge but really good at this point. Four months to go before we meet our little girl. We can hardly wait!


lani said...


Thanks for asking about the pregnancy comment--I've been meaning to post my ultrasound pic for forever, but needed to crop the personal info. You got me motivated :) So, yes, I really am pregnant. So excited for another little girl!

. said...

CONGRATS! So fun! Is she right about the name? It's a cute one, if that's what you're going with!

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

yaiiiii Uma menina... mais uma princesa... fico muito feliz por ti! parabéns... grande mulher! que tudo corra muito bem|! até logo!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! You will have to fight Shayla off for Mommy rights! :)

Natalie said...

What exciting news! Little "Elyse" is so lucky to be in your family. ;)

Holly said...

Yay! Another girl in the family! I love modern technology. How sweet to see her her cute little face!

AmyJo said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you to have another sweet little girl. You sure do make cute ones!

The Grant Family said...

Yeah, so excited for you guys. Our girls are going to be good friends!

Emily said...

We are so excited! That picture is amazing! So, Elise it is?

lani said...

We're not sure about names yet--we had to break it to Shayla that she did not have sole naming rights, even thought she is the big sister :) Hopefully we'll come up with something good in the next few months.

Seth Jenson said...


Chellers said...

Hooray! I'm so happy for you and for big sister. Gotta even out the boy/girl ratio in your family!

Chellers said...

Hooray! I'm so happy for you and for big sister. Gotta even out the boy/girl ratio in your family!

The Wilsons said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations!!! Glad you're feeling good.

Angela said...

Yea! Congrats again!

Jan said...

Yeah a girl. Almost everyone I know who is having a baby this year (and there is a baby boom this year) has had or is having a boy, so it's nice to see a girl on the way. Congrats. I'm trying to convince Blake we need a girl.

Steph said...

Congrats!! What a lucky little girl. She's sure to be loved, and loved, and loved by your beautiful family. Love the name too :)

My Many Coloured Days said...

Yeah yeah yeah! You are one crazy girl to have another kid - but you are so fun and loving and capable, I'm sure you'll be wonderful. Congrats on another girl... Shayla will love having a sister, I am sure! Thanks for updating!!!

Angie said...

You already know I'm excited for you...but it was great to see the cute little ultrasound!

P.S. Endure the's only temporary and you always look beautiful pregnant and soon you'll be back to your skinny inner self :)