Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Today I'm grateful for my family and to be exactly where I am in life right at this moment. Ideally, that is the way to live life, right? And I've tried to do that, but I know I'm not very good at it sometimes. And yes, sometimes I daydream about my kids being older, not having dirty fingerprints all over my clothes, actually having 15 minutes to get ready in the morning and grocery shop without 2 or 3 kids in tow. What a luxury!

But I would miss the spontaneous bear hugs, snuggling to sleep, reading of books over and over (okay, maybe I won't miss reading "Brown Bear" 10 times a day), funny little things they do and the fleeting preciousness of having them little. The excitement of discovering something new each day--Garrett just learning how to skip and thinks it is the coolest thing. My kids still think I'm the ultimate expert on everything (I wonder how much longer that will last...it's starting to wear off with Ty), and beg me to come to lunch with them at school. For today, I'm just so happy to have my little buddies keeping me company, helping me put the groceries in the cart, and making me laugh everyday.

I just tucked Grant and Garrett in for naps and it is blissfully quiet. And I'm grateful for nap time, too.


Nicole said...

That photo is adorable! They all look so grown up.

. said...

I echo that gratitude for nap time! I love the other stuff in between, but nap time is so nice.

Chellers said...

Ditto ditto ditto!
I was just thinking that this morning when I took the kiddos to the Y, and then came home for Alex's nap, and then had a picnic at the park with them. How much longer before they're in school and I'm stuck with that school schedule and can't just decide for myself what to do with them every day?
It's amazing to me how much a mom can love her kids. Even with all the yucky stuff....I just absolutely adore them, as I can tell you do too! Thanks for the post.

Angela said...

So true, so true!

Steph said...

I think you missed your calling Lani. I am so tearing up right now! Thank you for that, so sweet and so true.

Holly said...

I love this photo! And the post. Life would be pretty lonely without our little ones.

Seth and Emily said...

I love your gratitude posts! You're kids are too cute. I just can't even believe it. Those smiles! You inspired me to put the church website up on my blog too. I need to make more non-member blogging friends.

Natalie said...

Your kids are sooo cute! Great post.

I can't wait to try your power bar recipe, too.Thanks for posting it.