Monday, June 9, 2008

A blast from the past...

Pegged pants. Does that phrase bring back memories for anyone else? Please say yes. A few days ago I loaded Shayla, Garrett and Grant into the bike trailer (made for 2) and headed off on a bike ride. Shortly after I started my pants got snagged in the chain, so I had to do something to save my pants. Yes, you guessed it. I remember back to my 7th-grade so-cool pegged-pants days, and saved the day. Yes, I biked all over our neighborhood looking like this--I have no pride. So, was this a fashion that just hit Idaho Falls, or did anyone else peg their pants, too.


Holly said...

Woo Hoo! I was a pant pegger too! It wasn't so bad at least it made my legs look skinny. I guess they were skinny way back then!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for pant peggers! Yep me too, It was the closest I could get my uncool pants to look cool. I too have lost all pride in my outside look and pegged to ride bikes. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.

jen boswell

Emily said...

I rode pegged all around Minnehaha Falls for Memorial Day. Sweet!

. said...

Oh absolutely! Pegged pants, or stirrup pants with big ol' socks over top - gosh, we were hotties!

Steph said...

I think it's making a comeback- starting with YOU! Now, all you have to do is throw a banana clip in your hair and you are set to revive some hot trends!

Angela said...

I did as well.

Seth and Emily said...

Forget the pegged pants, you're wearin' blue corduroys!
- Seth

lani said...

Good point, Seth. Aren't they sweet?!! I guess you could say I'm just a walking fashion statement :)

Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

I think pegged pants should make a comeback! Along with mixed and matched, brightly colored socks, of course!

Teuscher said...

Hey I found your blog from Natalie's! How fun to see how you are.

I hope while you were riding with the pegged pants you had your hair in a side pony-tail and your polo shirt color turned up!

Anonymous said...

Must have just been an IF thing, I have no idea what pegged pants even means ;)

melanie said...

I was a total pant pegger, the tighter the peg the better for some reason. uuggg, so ugly.