Monday, April 14, 2008

Summer Sausage

What a project! Our neighbor is a big deer hunter and makes summer sausage with the venison, so Tyler decided to try it out. Let's just say that the sausage turned out delicious but I'm not sure it was worth repeating the process. You'll have to ask Tyler about it sometime--I was gone for the grinding of the meat and came home to deer blood splattered all over the wall, bloody towels and chunks of ground deer meat everywhere. Trauma! I'm still recovering from the whole experience...maybe by next year I'll be ready for more summer sausage.
Stuffing the sausage
Male bonding time...
Cooking the sausage...the boys love it!
Come and visit and you can decide for yourself if it was worth the effort :)


Natalie said...

Wow! I'm sure it's delicious, but the deer blood everywhere would take me a while to recover from, too.

Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

Did it remind you of the pig slaughters on the Azores? Fun times!

Anonymous said...

I would have flipped over the deer blood! Did he grind while you were gone on purpose?! I do like venison...yum!

Steph said...

Um. I much prefer your other food topic where you gave a yummy recipe for pineapple chicken- which I made again tonight by the way. I always wondered where summer sausage comes I know.

Holly said...

If I remember right, the sausage was delicious! Tyler gave us a sample as we welcomed in the New Year! Good thing you were gone for all the grinding. Looks like you will have enough for years to come!

lani said...

Yes, it did bring back fond memories of the pig slaughters on the Azores--maybe I'll post a picture of that soon :) And yes, I think Tyler knew to grind the meat while I was gone, and he went out of his way to clean up (ALMOST everything) because he knew I was not in a stable frame of mind once I saw the state of my kitchen. He's a smart man :)

Angela said...

Wow wish I could try it.

My Many Coloured Days said...

That is so disusting. I don't know if I will every eat summer sausage again. Gross! you are a good wife.

Seth Jenson said...
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Seth Jenson said...

Okay, that does it for me. My mind is made up, I'm comin' to Wisconsin!!