Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hiking the old city wall in Seoul

 This is us getting ready to hike the "great wall of Seoul" 
Not quite as impressive as the Great Wall of China, but a close second.
 Kalia's face says it all--it was in the 20's and pretty cold. Good thing we lived in Wisconsin long enough to thicken our blood.
 A frozen stream along the way...
 Garrett showing us the way.
 Shayla by the wall. 
 Notice the old original wall underneath the newer part they have restored.
 Miya photo bombing Garrett and Grant's picture. Seems appropriate since she learned photo bombing from them.
 Sweet Miya
 Kalia rode in style on Tyler's shoulders
 A panoramic view of the city.
 Shayla and the city. Notice the tower on the hill in the center. That is Namsan Tower, or Seoul Tower. Another fun hike with a gorgeous view.
 Everyone except Ty who was hanging out with friends.
Seoul is an amazing city. Even with 25 million people, there are still hikes close by and nature to explore. 


Unknown said...

How lucky you are to have such unique experiences! Cassie

Unknown said...
