Thursday, December 10, 2015

Korean Week

The first week of November was Korean Week at Seoul Foreign School. That meant that Garrett, Grant and Miya got to learn all about the Korean culture by playing Korean games, dressing in traditional clothing (hanbok), and trying lots of delicious Korean food. They also had a talent show where they displayed talents. It was a really neat week--here are a few pics of the festivities.

Miya sang with her Kindergarten class at the talent show a song in Korean, called "I Am Blue"
There was a pretty hilarious microphone take-over as the kindergarteners started making funny noises into them. It was very entertaining, but the Korean teacher did NOT look pleased. One kid even got whisked off of the stage in the middle of the performance. I love this age!

Making a Korean top

 Miya in the traditional Hanbok. They took an all-school picture with all of the kids dressed up. 
 Grant looked great in his Hanbok!
 Grant running around the gym playing the fun Korean games.
 Miya just wanted to pound rice into rice flour. 
 Garrett had fun with the arrow throwing. And the Korean see-saw. It was just a board laid over a rolled up carpet in the middle, and the kids would each stand on one end of the board, and alternate jumping and try and fling the other one way up in the air. Lots of fun and no one broke a bone. Success!
 We attended the Kimchi festival a few weeks ago. It was rainy and cold, but lots of fun to learn about the process.
 They set up a mini village backdrop and showed how to make kimchi. I'm still trying to acquire a taste for it. I try it every time it is offered, but usually end up with tears in my eyes and a runny nose. Maybe in a year I will like it...
 Kalia was freezing, but a good sport. She was not about to try any of the kimchi though, because it's spicy.
 They used to make the kimchi and then put it in these giant kimchi pots, bury them in the ground and then let it sit for 1 to 3 years.  Now they have special fridges that they put the kimchi in to age. 
After trying all of the different kimchi, the kids needed some good comfort food so we ate at Burger King for lunch. Not my favorite, but they thought it tasted like heaven.
It doesn't matter how big they get, I never tire of watching my kids sleep. They are so peaceful. And quiet. I just love it.

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