Friday, November 8, 2013

A busy month

Well, I'm tired of looking at all of my laundry, so I better post something again :)

Happy Birthday, Tyler!
37 years old

Garrett had his Book I piano recital. He did fabulous!! We did it at the nursing home and the residents loved it. Garrett felt pretty great after it was all over :) 

Trying to get a group picture afterwards didn't go so great. This was the final straw when I stopped trying. But each of the kids played a number at the recital (except Miya and Kalia) and did so great. It was a proud mom moment for me. 

Miya the "flying-pig" with Kalia as Cinderella

Ty was a "Morph" Suit Guy. I think he is the one in the middle. I love their eyebrows :)

 L-R: Mario, Fred, Pebbles, Wilma, Jack Sparrow, Harry Potter, no-want-to-dress-up girl, Minion
 Pumpkins turned out so cute

And some random photos of my fun days at home with my sweet Miya and Kalia. 
I love my life! 
(sorry about the weird photo formatting--not sure what I did...)


Angela said...

Great pictures. I freaked out at first thinking oh no I forgot Tyler's birthday and then remembered that I called him on his birthday..whew

Holly said...

We love these pictures! Hannah especially loves that last pic of the girls! It's so fun to get on here. Just for the record, I really appreciated your laundry post and pic! It made me feel so at home! love you guys!