Sunday, September 29, 2013

Kalia's 1st bday!

Kalia turned one on Sept. 19th, 2013
Since our family tradition is breakfast in bed, we brough Kalia a bottle in bed. She was sound asleep when we came in and I think we scared her to death.

 Then we went down to the kitchen for some french toast
 Kalia's not walking yet, but loves to stand by the couch
 Kalia also loves to lounge on the couch
 Our neighbors gave Kalia the cutest tutu and headband
 We all enjoyed cake and ice cream together. Kalia thought Ty's face was hilarious!
I wish my hair would grow...
Kalia did a good job enjoying her cake

 Kalia loves her new baby doll. She hugs her and pats her back in the sweetest way, and snuggles with her to sleep.
Here is the birthday girl the next day. 
What a fast year it was--Kalia brings so much personality and joy to our family.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Grandpa Johnson

My 95-year-old Grandpa Johnson passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon. My Mom and Grandma were by his side and took such wonderful care of him right up to the end. I knew this day was coming, but my heart sure aches thinking I won't see my Grandpa again in this life.

He is such a source of inspiration to me. He worked hard all his life, riding a bus 1 hour each way to get to The Site in Idaho Falls to work and support his family, and then worked his farm on the side. He always had a funny joke to share and a sunny outlook on life, in spite of the difficulties.  He and my Grandma had 9 children together, one who died just a few days after he was born, and the other 8 that are still living today. They have 56 grandchildren, and over 100 great grandchildren. And the amazing thing is that Grandpa and Grandma know and love each one of us. I would often see Grandpa studying a list of his posterity, making sure he could remember who went with who and all the names.

Grandpa always had a smile and a friendly word for everyone he met and truly never met a stranger. I think he had true charity for all that he met and saw them through the Savior's eyes. He always told me what a joy I was to him and Grandma, and he thought so highly of me I always wanted to do and be better to try and live up to his expectations.

Grandpa, I love you and miss you! I will see you again someday and hope to continue to do my best to live up to the legacy you've given me.

Kalia met Grandma and Grandpa for the first time in June 2013
Grandpa's 95th birthday celebration
Grandpa and Grandma at the Johnson Reunion this June 2013
My sister Angie posted this picture on facebook and I love it. 
This is the kind of love you develop when you stick by your sweetheart for 68 years. 
True Love.
And this is how I picture my Grandpa now--young and full of life again.
Faithful to the end.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

1st day of school x5

September 3rd was the first day of school. All of the kids love their teachers, it is going to be a great year!

 Ty started 7th grade! Catches the bus at 6:40am, early, but he does a great job getting himself up and going.
 Shayla is a big 5th grader!
 Wacky and crazy girl!
 Ready for the first day!
 Garrett is a 3rd grader!
 Grant a big 1st grader!
Miya started Joy School--can't believe how big she is!

I'm back!

Now that the kids are all settled back in school, duty is calling me to post pictures for all of our family that live far away. So, not quite sure how to catch up from almost a year, off, but here goes:

 Kalia is almost one! She loves her bath, always trying to grab hold of the water stream.

Yesterday, on Patriot's Day, Kalia crawled for the first time!
She is very proud of herself and so fun to watch her wobbly arms and legs propel her forward.
 Miya loves to take pictures with my cell phone
 Kalia loves to feed herself--the floor does not look pretty after mealtime, but Kalia's smile does.
Kalia loves her baby dolls--she sleeps with them and give them hugs and kisses.
That's all for today--more to come!