Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The newest Hacking!

Getting ready to leave for the hospital...(we barely made it in time, but that's a story for another day...)

Kalia Jeannette Hacking
Born September 19, 2012
Weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz., 20" long
She was 8 days early and anxious to start her life here on earth.
 Just moments after birth...
 Bonding time with Kalia
 All of our kids have weighed the same within a few ounces of each other (besides Grant--he was our big bruiser at 7 lbs. 5 oz.)
 Daddy's little girl
 Miya adores her baby sister. Her two favorite sentences these days are, "I love you my baby," and "I want to pet my baby."
 Grant loves to hold Kalia
 So does Garrett. He loves how soft her hair is, and thinks it is cool she has a cowlick like him.
Shayla says Kalia is the MOST beautiful baby in the whole world!
Ty adores his little sister. 

 The whole crew
Kalia is such a sweet baby-so bright-eyed and alert when she is awake

 Kalia getting ready to come home from the hospital

Home sweet home!


. said...

Congrats! She's beautiful! I can tell you barely made it - you're still in your clothes you left for the hospital in! Enjoy your new little one! I'm glad there are more people in the world having 6 kids - we're not nuts!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that was quick since you were still in your clothes from home! Congratulations! She is beautiful, like all the rest of 'em. :) I totally jealous!

Emily and Seth said...

We are soo happy for you! And we are excited to bring John to meet Kalia in November. I love the picture at the ent. So sweet. We are so glad you are all safe and sound at home and pray for a speedy recovery!

McKell H. Costa said...

YAY! Huge congrats! I can't wait to hear the story! Glad everyone is ok she is Beautiful!

The Wilsons said...

Oh, congratulations!!! Your family is just so beautiful, and Kalia is no exception! Pretty name, too. And it sounds like her story is very exciting! Looking forward to it sometime when you've had a chance to rest (is that possible with 6 kids?). Sending love from UT!

Emily said...

She is so beautiful! Love her name, love watching the others doting on her and can't wait to hear the tale of her arrival. Congratulations!

Stacey said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful. You have done good work. I hope you are able to get some rest and recover somewhat. Although I imagine with 6 kids now, me time is a thing of the past.
You remind me a great deal of your mom. You look like her too. You are both such amazing women.

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