Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thoughts on Motherhood...

Happy Belated Mother's Day! 

The other day Grant and Miya were playing family with a friend, Kelsey.  Every minute or two they would run into the room and say, "Today is my birthday-now I'm 5!" and a few moments later, "Today is my birthday--now I'm 6!!!" This game continued for quite some time until Kelsey was 14, Grant was 12 and Miya was 10.  I laughed at their fun celebrations of the best days of family life and couldn't help thinking that that was about how fast real life seemed to be going. 

I think my greatest challenge is to appreciate each day, each moment and cherish it, make a mental snapshot of my kids each day. They are so precious and unique and each day is filled with moments to treasure. The challenge is sifting through all the not-so-cherishable moments of fights, tantrums, messes and exhaustion and holding tight to the hugs and the smiles and the fun. I love watching my kids play together in the backyard--the other night Ty was the coach, giving a motivational pep talk to the other kids as he practiced kicking goals at them. Shayla was the lead goalie, with Garrett and Grant backing her up, as Miya ran around the yard picking grass, leaves, and rocks to make "soup." It was such a sweet moment that I tucked it away in my heart to keep forever.

Mother's Day was such a special day--I'm so grateful for my Mom and Mother-in-law, and all the women in my life who teach me so much through their examples. 
I'm so thankful for Tyler and his constant love and support, and for each of my wonderful kids. They spoiled me all day long--starting with breakfast in bed and ending with a delicious dinner and wonderful homemade cards with sweet messages. It was a wonderful day!

I love this picture--Grant's face makes me laugh, and Garrett had a bloody nose.
A little slice of real life.

And we had our ultrasound and found out that we are having a GIRL!!!
Due Sept. 27th, 2012.
We are thrilled and feel so blessed.


Nettypg said...

Congratulations! I didn't even know you were expecting! Best Wishes!

Holly said...

Adorable! What sweet things to wake up to. I love how you always remember to take it all in and cherish those sweet moments. You are such an amazing mom!