Thursday, May 3, 2012

soccer season

We are being so blessed--3 kids in soccer and only 2 nights at the soccer field a week. 
Now that is good karma.

 Grant was so excited and nervous for his very first night of soccer. 
It was so fun to watch him run around kicking the ball.
He even volunteered to be the "Goofy Says" caller.
Afterwards he said, "I thought it was going to be a lot harder, that they'd make us do drills and stuff. Instead we just played games."
me: "Yeah, but you are still learning playing the games."
Grant: (incredulously) "I am??!! That is amazing!"

 Miya loved sitting in her little chair and running around picking dandelions 
 Garrett loved it, too. Go red team!
Shayla and her best friend Lauren--what a crazy pair!
They are on the traveling team--first game on Thursday.

And Ty was running all over the field with his buddies playing lacrosse, football and soccer, so I didn't get a photo of him :) 

Miya--needing to go potty but wanting to pick dandelions instead :) 


Stacey said...

You are amazing! I would definitely say that is good karma to only have to be on the field 2 nights a week. I think your kids are just as photogenic and you are, which is extremely photogenic.

It is good to see what is going on in your life. I am glad you are blogging.

Emily and Seth said...

Awesome! Love Grant's quote. Miss you guys

Holly said...

So great that you can take them at the same time! That's some smart planning! These pictures are adorable! I love it!