Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm back...maybe

Well, I couldn't sleep this morning, so here I am at 5:30 feeling guilty about neglecting my blog. Or shall I say sorely neglecting my blog. It seems that the more I have to blog about, the less I do because things are so busy.

So, all excuses aside, I'm going to try and post some pictures and catch-up a little. Why not start with the stake dance Tyler and I attended last weekend :) It was like we were 14 again! I wasn't that excited going into it, but we had a GREAT time--dancing the Cotton-Eye Joe and trying to remember how to swing dance.
 All of the Hudson Ward people who attended
Enjoying the photo booth
Hopefully more photos to come tomorrow...


Holly said...

I love that last picture of the two of you! Looks like a really fun night. It was so great to see Tyler last week. It made me homesick for all the rest of you! Love you all!

Nettypg said...

How Fun! We miss being out there with you guys!

Emily said...

I love when you get blogger's guilt and we get to enjoy all the updating!