Thursday, September 1, 2011

Too much togetherness...

 Yesterday was the last day of summer break, so in honor of the occasion I told the kids they could take the day off--no piano practicing or big jobs. Hurrah! I thought it was a great idea until they decided to fill their spare time with non-stop fighting. Maybe they were just trying to get me excited to send them back to school...
So I told Shayla and Ty that they had lost all priviledges (i.e. no football practice for Ty or gymnastics or friends for Shayla) until they wrote a letter to each other. They had to apologize and then tell each other 5 things they liked about each other. are the letters. As you can see they did EXACTLY what was asked, no more, but still it did help them turn things around and be a LITTLE nicer to each other.

We did eventually make it on a bike ride (adventurous to say the least) to play at the park.
And Ty was able to go to football practice, so it wasn't all bad. Miya loves wearing Ty's pads around. 


Natalie said...

this summer marked our highest squabbling ever summer, too, which makes my feelings about school starting exactly the same as yours. i feel like my kids get along much better when they see less of each other. sadly. great idea with the notes -- i'm going to implement that one for sure!

Emily said...

I'm so using that! Sadly, by the first of September, we're not into appreciating each other much either.

Holly said...

We read this post daily and get a good chuckle out of it every time! You guys are the greatest parents ever! The sentiments are sweet and awesome!