Thursday, September 8, 2011

1st Day of School

The kids are back in school and loving it!


Angela said...


Holly said...

All I can say is that they all look so nice! Hannah told me before she left for school today that she wished she had a scarf like Shayla's. I think we both need one! :)

lani said...

So funny about the scarf--I took the kids with me on a back-to-school-clothes-shopping-trip, and it was an adventure. They picked out things that I NEVER would have picked, but they were so excited about them. Exhausting but fun trip. (Shayla wears her scarf at least every-other-day :)

Holly said...

I love it! I went to Target today, by the way to scope out scarfs. They had lots of cute ones so Hannah and I will be heading back over.

Emily and Seth said...

Hey Lani! We are so glad that you blog. (Sorry I don' time...maybe someday. Your kids are darling, and we love to see their smiling faces. And we got a webcam! So we want to skype you!