Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Miya loves chocolate. You might wonder how I know that my baby loves chocolate. Well, besides the fact that she is her mother's daughter, she found out for herself on the drive home from a football game.

My friend had given Miya a mini snickers bar (wrapped, of course) to play with. By the time I got home she had gnawed through the wrapper and was delighted to be eating her first chocolate.

She was not so happy when I took it away from her.

On Halloween when the kids dumped out their loot, Miya crawled straight for a snickers bar and started trying to break into it. She's a smart one!


Holly said...

So cute! A girl after my own heart!

Emily and Seth said...

Lani, she is getting so big! We can't wait to see you and the whole gang at Christmas. All your kids have grown up so much. Miss you!

Angela said...

Miya and Ian will get along really well!

Sarah said...

She is so cute! Definitely a Hacking :) Your family has grown and is so beautiful! I enjoy seeing what you all are up to! Hello from the Ritchies!

Seth Jenson said...

Haha, that's awesome.