Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. I have so much to be grateful for and sacrament meeting today was all about gratitude. Garrett has had a high fever for 9 days and today was his first without a fever. There is something about being sick (or worse, having someone you love sick) that makes me appreciate good health. On my mission everyone would always wish each other good health and I thought it was kind of funny. The older I get the less funny it is and the more I join in whole-heartedly wishing others good health. Saude!
I am grateful for good friends who have taken such good care of us this week and for family who have prayed to get Garrett better. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of gratitude, even for our trials. I just read this: "fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in EVERYTHING give thanks;" (d&c 98:1) I think that means we should even be thankful for our trials and sicknesses, for they have a hand in shaping us and teaching us. I'm pretty good at being thankful for trials AFTER they have passed, not in the middle of them :)

So for now I'm thankful that Garrett gets to go to his 1st day of kindergarten tomorrow morning. I thankful for my friend who watched Garrett this morning so I could take the sacrament. I'm thankful for those who gave rides to my kids, brought delicious food and called and gave moral support. I'm thankful for doctors who tried to figure out what was wrong with our little guy. And I'm wishing you all good health to last a lifetime!


Natalie said...

so glad to hear little garrett is fever-less today! i agree - there's nothing worse than having people you love be hurting or sick. hugs to you, lani - being a mom is not easy, but you do it so effortlessly. i admire you so.

Lynn and Sherry Whyte said...

So happy the sky is blue once again. Nine days is a little concerning. Being a Mom just isn't easy. Love the pixctures of the kids. They are so cute. May the school year be a wonderful one! And may Garrett stay healthy!

My Many Coloured Days said...

I needed to read this today... thanks for the reminder. Glad to hear your little guy is doing better, fevers are NO FUN!

Holly said...

I am so glad Garrett is feeling better! Thanks you for always putting life into the right perspective. I feel so grateful t have you as a sister.

Stacey said...

Saude back to you. I am glad Garrett is feeling better. Hope his first day of kindergarten was completely wonderful.

Angela said...

I am so glad he is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Hi. It was so nice to find your blog and notice that you are a member of the LDS chuch. It`s so nice to read about the life of the other members. You have so beautiful family. I will visit in your blog again! Best wishes from the other side of the world!