Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st day of school

Ty and Shayla excited for 4th and 2nd grade to start

Garrett has had a fever for 6 days now--poor guy. We can't figure out what is wrong and he is so sad he is missing the first week of Kindergarten. No fun.

Miya weighed in at 15 lbs. 8 oz. at her 9 month check, putting her at the 4th percentile. So, I'm trying to supplement (but she won't take a bottle). This lovely concoction is applesauce with a scoop of formula. Yum!

I have a whole summers worth of things to post about--we'll see how long it takes me to actually post it. Fun trips to Kansas, visit from the Brimhalls and Mom, Trip to Utah to visit family and the cabin and so much more. Hope you all are getting settled back into the the school year and fall, too.


Natalie said...

poor garrett boy - hope he gets better soon.
ty and shayla look so grown up and excited. i wish we could bottle up this excitement for a few years from now when we are dragging them out of bed.

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

Yupiii! escola! aqui só próxima semana começa!

Emily said...

They are so cute! Wishing the best for Garrett - that is no fun. Funny that Sam and Miya have the opposite problem. She is so darling and happy, I wouldn't worry too much. How was the race?

Holly said...

Hurray for school days! Is Garrett feeling any better yet? Poor guy!

Stacey said...

Sorry Garrett was sick the first week of school. I hope he is better now. I always feel sad when the kids have to miss out on school parties, or exciting days like the first week when they are sick.
Very cute pictures of your kids. It looks like the applesauce and formula went over well. You come up with such good ideas.

I was thinking about you the other day, and I felt really lucky to have been able to rub shoulders with you. Glad I still get to.

Angela said...

They all look so big!