Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lucky Mama...

So, I've never thought I was an extremely lucky person, but lately, I've been on a winning streak. I've won 3 contests in the past month if you can believe that.

1. Best dessert at our ward chili cook-off. I made a strawberry ruhbarb coffee cake and won a $10 gift card to Culver's. Frozen custard and cheese curds, here I come! Hooray!

2. Free facial at a spa (valued at $55) from Boomerang Kids--a local kids consignment store. This will be my first time having a facial--I can't wait!

3. $50 gift certificate to the Orchard Restaurant from my bank.

So this winning streak reminded me of the last contest I won 2 1/2 years ago. I was 9 months pregnant with Grant, and saw a local hunting shop that was having an open house with free pizza and pop. Tyler was out of town, and I thought it would be the perfect free dinner for us, so we stopped by (looking a bit out of place), ate our pizza and pop, entered a drawing and left. Lo and behold, I get a phone call telling me I had won a compound bow! I didn't even know what a compound bow was, but I won! I went in with all 3.5 kids to pick it up, and found out I had to be fitted for it, which was hilarious considering I was so pregnant. The shop owner asked if I was a hunter and I just laughed. I think he knew I had just come for the free food. So I decided to send Tyler in for it because I knew I'd never use it. I told Tyler he could keep it if he wanted to take up bow hunting or sell it and use the money to buy the road bike he had been wanting. I think he sold the bow for $450 on ebay and put that towards his new bike.

So, I'm thinking about taking a little trip to Vegas to earn money for the kids' college funds :) Anyone want to join me?

By the way, here is the winning recipe from #1 above. It is delicious served warm with ice cream.
Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake

1 box yellow cake mix, divided
2/3 c. packed brown sugar
2 T. cold butter
3/4 c. chopped walnuts
2 eggs
1 c. sour cream
1 1/2 c. finely chopped rhubarb
1 1/2 c. sliced fresh strawberries

In a bowl, combine 2/3 c. cake mix and sugar, mix in butter until crumbly. Add walnuts. Set aside. Place remaining cake mix in another bowl. Add eggs and sour cream. Fold in rhubarb and strawberries. Spread into greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle w/ reserved crumb mixture. Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Enjoy!


Christina McKinney said...

Lol, I'm on a bit of a streak myself! I follow a couple "giveaway" blogs that give away mommy/baby items on a regular basis. I just won my fourth in 2 weeks the other day. I've never won anything as cool as a compound bow though!!!! Congrats!

Nettypg said...

How fun! Boy I miss the Hudson ward chili cookoff, no other ward I have lived in does that and we love our homemade chili, infact that is a good idea for dinner tonight, if I start now I can have it ready when Dan comes home, good thing I canned all of my dry beans from WIC so that they would be ready to use at a moments notice! LOL, Have fun!

Holly said...

Wow! Culver's and a facial! Your story about winning the bow is hilarious! Hey Thanks for the recipe. It sounds so delicious!

Lynn and Sherry Whyte said...

Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hoping everyone is staying on the mend!

Angela said...

Ahhh facials are wonderful, hope you enjoy yours. You do have quite the luck!

Angela said...

Ahhh facials are wonderful, hope you enjoy yours. You do have quite the luck!

Stacey said...

Congratulations on the winning streak! That is pretty funny about the compound bow win. I am excited to try your strawberry rhubarb dessert. I love rhubarb, and mixed with strawberry, it can only be better.

AmyJo said...

Congrats on your good luck! We are big Culver fans here, and love their cheese curds! They just built one a stones throw from our house last year. It may or may not be the reason I can't get off this baby weight :)