Tuesday, November 24, 2009

and the secret ingredient is...

The other day at lunch Garrett, Grant and I were eating leftover lasagna. This was the conversation Garrett and I had:

G: Hmmm, (as he picked through his lasagna) is there squash in here?

Me: No

G: Bikini?

Me: You mean zucchini?

G: Oh yeah, zucchini (sheepish grin)

I just keep chuckling about it, so I had to record it.


Stacey said...

That is funny! Kids are so fun.

Holly said...

Too cute!

McKell H. Costa said...

Oh! That is TOO funny! I think I will share in your chuckles! I love the stuff that comes out of kids mouths!

Angela said...

ha ha soo funny!