Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I know I'm REALLY pregnant when...

1. A little kid walked up to me at church, stared at my belly, pointed, patted my belly and said, "Hey, is there a baby in there or what?"

2. Grant ran across the room to give me a big hug, and his head bounced off of my belly before his arms could wrap around my legs. I laughed pretty hard over that one!

3. Painting my toe nails counts as my workout for the day. I'm talking break-a-sweat-work-out. Really.

4. I try to squeeze between the wall and chair at the table and get stuck.

5. I cannot listen to certain songs (okay, pretty much any song that involves love, kids, patriotism, beautiful melody, etc.) on the radio without tears flowing down my cheeks. Truly a driving hazard.

6. I would give anything to sleep through the night--3am wake up calls are the norm.

7. The perpetual food spilled on my belly, or the line of water on my belly after doing the dishes or washing my hands.

8. I have to turn sideways to do the dishes.

9. My walk is a waddle, no matter how hard I concentrate on walking normally.

10. Belly button...where'd ya go?

11. The men who think it's okay to rub my belly while they talk to me. Would they ever do that to a non-pregnant woman? Of course not! But really, what's the difference, it's still my body.

About the photos...(BTW, these are NOT photos of me--just the best of what I found when I googled "huge pregnant belly.") Notice the sweet baby foot in the photo below--amazing! The first photo I will look at when I'm feeling particularly huge--it could always be worse.


Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

estás gravida?? que fixe! espero que este-jas! desejo tu-do de bom... manda novidades!!!

Anonymous said...

Surely that first photo is not real! I'm just thinking she should be laying down with that many babies in there- not at the beach! Crazy! I laughed out loud at the thought of Grant bouncing off your tummy- HA!!

Angela said...

Love it, they all made me chuckle. Those photos are crazy.

Emily said...

Glad to see it hasn't affected your sense of humor, you are so fun!

AmyJo said...

LOL! Your list brought me back to being pregnant just a few months ago, all of those are so true! Haha! Too funny.

Danielle and Derek said...

This is a great list - I love it! I would always cry to the songs as I drove, too. Hang in there!

Emily and Seth said...

what was that lady thinking!? wearing a bikini!? I have to admit. I had to scroll down pretty quickly. All of those reasons are so funny! I loved the one about men touching your belly. I don't know why people think that is ok... the one about Grant bouncing of your tummy was hilarious. We miss you guys!

Emily and Seth said...

what was that lady thinking!? wearing a bikini!? I have to admit. I had to scroll down pretty quickly. All of those reasons are so funny! I loved the one about men touching your belly. I don't know why people think that is ok... the one about Grant bouncing of your tummy was hilarious. We miss you guys!

Stacey said...

Loved your list Lani. I could relate to many of them. I used to have Latin men on my mission rub my belly and ask me when the baby was due. Those occasions were not the self esteem boost I was looking for. You have such a fun attitude. Good luck with this last part of your pregnancy.

Ludwig Family Blog said...

I love this! That is totally how I feel when I'm pregnant. And those are GREAT photos. That was one BIG belly!
And why is it that people feel like they can touch a woman's pregnant belly anytime? I totally agree with the awkwardness of that one.

Laura Hyde said...

you're so close. just think about how great you're going to feel when that baby has moved out of your belly and into your arms! So much of that disappears - except of course for the merciless wake up calls all through the night! :)