Saturday, October 31, 2009


I actually took this pic earlier in the month, no snow on Halloween night
Little Red Riding Hood Shayla, Vampire Ty,
Bam-Bam Grant and Raphael TMNT Garrett
The kids had a blast trick-or-treating with Tyler, even though it was in the 30's
and I had fun passing out candy to the neighborhood kids.
And we now have a years supply of candy on top of our fridge.
The best kid holiday ever invented.


Natalie said...

they all look so cute! the year's supply of candy on top of the fridge sounds EXTREMELY familiar.

Holly said...

I love their costumes! What cute kids! Porter was a vampire too this year! Really cute! Love the picture with the pumpkin in the snow. It gives me the shivers just looking at it.

Angela said...

I agree, best kid holiday ever invented!