Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Love!

Happy Birthday, love!!! I have a feeling 33 is going to be a great year.
Presents and breakfast in bed
Grant helped Tyler blow out his candles


AmyJo said...

Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

Seth Jenson said...

Happy birthday Hack Daddy!

Angela said...

So how early does everyone get up to do breakfast in bed for the birthday person or does the birthday person stay in bed extra long?

Emily and Seth said...

Happy late Birthday Tyler!

Lani, that pregnant bikini picture still weirds me out, and I don't like to scroll down any farther than this birthday post.

lani said...

Ang, a little of both--I try to get up at 6, kids at 6:30, but we're usually a little later. Notice Tyler's hair is wet in the picture--he had taken a sneaky shower, and gotten back into his PJ's and bed before we made it up with b-fast :)

And Emily--that's why I had to hurry and post again, so I wouldn't see the bikini preggo everytime I opened my blog :)