Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th

Eight years ago today I was getting ready to go for a morning walk with my friend, oblivious to what was happening in New York City. Ty was just 6 months old. My friend called and told me to turn on the TV. I sat in shock and disbelief as I watched the Twin Towers go up in smoke. I will never forget the emotions I felt, the sorrow for the evil in the world, for the people who died, for those who so bravely sacrificed to save others, and for the families who lost loved ones.

I think it such a testimony to the power of the human spirit that out of tragedy comes greatness. That out of the dust and rubble of destruction and hate can come such hope and love and power for change. The human spirit is an amazing thing, and I am continually amazed by people all around me who confront trials and suffering with faith in the Lord and a perfect brightness of hope.

I will never forget those who have sacrificed for our great nation, and hope to show that remembrance each day of my life, living to appreciate and defend the freedom that I enjoy each day.

Click on the following link to see the inspiring story of a 9/11 survivor. Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Seth and Emily said...

Lani, you are such an inspiring person. Seth and I were thinking of you yesterday on your birthday, and we couldn't think of any person we know who is more loving, accepting, and considerate as you are. We love you! Happy Birthday again!