Monday, September 28, 2009

The Minnesota State Fair

This was our last hurrah of summer. Oh, the food we consumed. All fried and on a stick. We enjoyed everything so much we forgot to take pictures of it. We enjoyed fried cheese curds (my fav), grilled chocolate sandwiches, brat burgers, garlic fries, fresh rootbeer, chocolate milk, ice cream and cotton candy. What's not to love about the fair?

Riding the bus from the park-n-ride to the fair

Strangest freebie at the fair--yes, it is Maple Bacon flavored chapstick.

How did THAT get past the focus groups? Yuk!



Grant LOVED this ride. His laugh was infectious and I love re-living this moment.

Garrett doing push-ups for the Army

Ty doing push-ups for the army guy (for a free t-shirt)Grant just enjoyed watching the girls do push-ups :)

Milking the fake cow

Cotton Candy

Grant wouldn't even try it--I think he thought it really was cotton.

This is how we all felt by the end of the day.

Amazing bike/skateboarding show

Screaming, laughing, no-hands good time


The Wilsons said...

What fun!!! I LOVE Grant's expression w/the cotton candy. :)

Your kids are growing up so fast--Ty's in 3rd grade?!? Wow! Super fun. Your family just makes me smile!

Natalie said...

what a crazy tun time!

Seth and Emily said...

Wow! I can't believe how big all the kids are getting! We sure miss you guys! I am not exactly exccited for all the crazy cold weather coming, but at least January brings new vacation time for Seth! We hope to come visit you guys sometime early in the year, if possible, after the baby is born! Bacon chapstick sounds gross. I loved Grant watching the girls do push-ups! What a great day! I can't even say how much I loved all the pictures.

Emily said...

So fun! I so remember that mill ride....hee, hee!

Angela said...

looks so fun! LOVE the picture of Grant enjoying watching the girls do pushups! So funny. I want to tried fried cheese curds. The chapstick yeah that sounds yucky.

Holly said...

Sounds like so much fun! Cute pictures of the kids enjoying it all. Whoah on the chapstick! Yikes! The rest of the fair food sounds so good to me right now, esp. with fall in the air.

Angie said...

love the narratives...felt like I was there and I LOVE Shayla with short hair :) Can't wait to see it in person!