Monday, September 28, 2009

1st day of school 2009

This actually happened Sept. 1st, so I'm a bit behind. But the kids are doing great at their new old school and I'm proud of the way they've adjusted and made new friends.
Shayla 1st grade
Ty 3rd grade

The whole gang

Shayla's backpack hook

Shayla with her substitute teacher--her regular teacher had a baby
and won't come back until December.
Shayla feels extra special to have not one, but two teachers.

Ty in his class--ready to learn!

Garrett and Grant on the 1st day of Joy School
It was at our house so Grant got to attend.
I don't know who was more excited--G1 or G2.
Snack time--a favorite of all


Stacey said...

I love doing joy school/preschool with my kids. I find it so rewarding to be a part of their education and spend fun quality time with them. I also enjoy the break when it is not at my house. Love the pictures.

Natalie said...

seriously, how is it possible these kids are growing so fast?! so fun to see them on their first days!

Angela said...

What do you mean by their new old school? Are they going to a different school?

lani said...

Hey Ang,
Yes and no. They built a new elementary school last year by our house, so Shayla started there, and Ty switched to it. Well, long story short, the new school was over-crowded, so as of this year they moved our neighborhood back to the old school where Ty went the year before. So, for Ty he was going back to the school he attended for K and 1st grade, for Shayla it was a brand new start.
Crazy that we are trying to stay in one place and not move a lot now that the kids are in school to give them some stability, and look what happens. But what can ya do?

Holly said...

Hurray for school! Your kids are getting so big! What beautiful children!