Thursday, August 27, 2009

Then and Now

My sis, Kris, pointed out that I had conveniently only posted pics of me hiding my preggo belly behind my kids, tables, etc. All part of the plan, my dear sis. Here's why.

This was me 5 months pregnant with Ty, baby #1
(I was Princess Leia for Halloween):

I just had to include this one--me with my hunky Indiana Jones husband. Lucky girl I am!
This is me 6 months pregnant with baby #5:

Notice a slight difference?


The Boswells said...

Amen!! Isn't that the truth. My sister is pregnant and has the smallest speed bump ever! The first one doesn't count. You are a cute prego strut your stuff.

Vicki said...

The size of the bump doesn't matter! Look how skinny the rest of you still is! You look great! Hope everything is going well!

Natalie said...

i've always thought you made a lovely pregnant lady, lani. you are so slight and lady-like in your figure. i would have died to be so lovely at 6 months with my 3rd, let alone #5!

My Many Coloured Days said...

YES! You're adorable.

Emily said...

That is the cutest bump ever!

Angela said...

It is still a small bump considering it is number 5!

Holly said...

You look amazing Lani! So beautiful and I know that little bump will just be another adorable child like all the rest of your cute kids!

Stacey said...

It is amazing the changes in our bodies with each additional pregnancy. Might I just add I think you are one of the cutest pregnant moms I have seen.

Sarah said...

All I can say is that you look so great! How exciting to be expecting again and I'm so happy to hear you get another girl!

Natalie said...

Now, I know you didn't mean to do this, but your picture of your cute little belly (6 mos and baby #5) makes me a little depressed. How are you so small? But I agree ... the body just has less and less resistance to being pregnant with each baby!