Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our big 2 year old!

Grant turned 2 on August 2nd. He LOVED his birthday, and still asks most mornings if it is his birthday. Enjoy the photos!
Make a wish, Grant!

Our neighbors came over for some b-day cake, and took this family photo

Basketball with the fam

Grant loves the tire swing. I don't know if you can see it, but his protective big bro and sis each put a hand over his to help him hang on, since he let go and fell off once.
I think it is so sweet of them (but Grant doesn't appreciate it too much :)

Birthday lunch celebration!

Grant thinks he is 6 already--ahhh, they grow up way too fast!

Having breakfast in bed--a birthday favorite!


My Many Coloured Days said...

LOVE the birthday celebrating! Isn't 2 great. And I nearly died over your video - check out my blog for Baby J's bday: so similar!!! Miss you.

Holly said...

Happy Birthday Grant! We loved the videos. So cute to see him get excited when Shayla was singing Happy Birthday! What a little man!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Grant, so cute. Love that he thinks he is older than he really is.

Angie said... didn't rent out the church but Grant's birthday looked fun all the same :) I guess that's the difference between 1 --> 4 :) Wish we could have been there, Grant is absolutely precious. Loved the videos!