Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More vacation pics...

Here are more pictures from our trip. Enjoy!

Garrett celebrating the 4th with sparklers

Grant and Eva breakfast buddies

Grant was the cherry thrower...

While we were the cherry pickers

Doesn't it make your mouth water?

Curt-balance-man on the challenge course
(I had to drop out of this one as I have absolutely no balance. I wasn't going to make my team carry a pregnant woman across the tightrope. That's just the kind of person I am :)

Shayla flying like Tinkerbell

Sack/foot races at the Johnson Reunion--brought back such childhood memories!
Ty loved the challenge course--climbing, tightrope walking, rappelling.

Even Garrett got a turn to climb/rappell

Hanging out with Felicity after swimming
BYU Creamery--delicious (but not quite as good as USU creamery)
(BTW, the reason I gained 5 pounds on our vacation is because I'm pregnant,
not because I ate ice cream just about everyday, right?!! You can always measure a good trip in ice cream consumption. This was a REALLY good trip :)

Happy ice cream smiles

Happy 91st, Grandpa!!!

Fun roommate reunion--I have the greatest college roommates ever!

Hot air balloon launch in Provo
I'm quite impressed with my photography on this one :)

Playing in the rain with cool Aunt Sarah

Garrett, Eva and Grant watching Ricky play ball
Grant chanted "Go, Ricky, Go Ricky" repeatedly.
Ricky definitely had the best cheering section there.
Looking at the SLC Temple from the Joseph Smith Memorial Building

At the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Fun day at the park with our good friends from Houston.
Maliya and Ty were best buddies when they were little.
They are actually still engaged, even if they don't remember it
It was a cooker, so a water fight was inevitable

Racing with Uncle Ricky

It was such a great trip and so fun to catch up with family and friends. The time flew by and we were home before we knew it. Tyler had to leave early to go back to work and he surprised us when we got back with projects galore completed around the house. What a treat!
Vacation was wonderful but there's no place like home.


Natalie said...

Your pictures are beautiful! What a fun vacation.

Angie said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures...I love your pictures Lani...they even made me homesick. I agree about the sack races, beings back memories! Looks like you guys had a great time. We look forward to being there next time!!

AmyJo said...

It was SOOO good to see you all again! We had the best time. And I agree, Maliya and Ty are still engaged, even if they don't remember :)

Laura Hyde said...

Thanks for the 7 seconds of fame I just got on your awesome blog! I never thought it would happen...

Angela said...

Looks like such a ful filled trip!