Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grant is one busy boy. He'll be 2 in just a week and he sure is warming up for it. I love this video of him laughing at the pure joy of swinging. It is a moment in time I wish I could bottle up and revisit whenever I want. Like when he colors all over the table, or the wall, or himself, or his Dad while he was napping on the floor (that one was pretty funny, wish I got a picture of that!) Or when he poops his pants and leaves a trail of it all over our off-white carpet. Then I really need to hear that magical laughter.

Hearing his sweet, innocent, full of joy and wonder laughter makes me so grateful to be a mom, I can handle the less-than-wonderful moments that come with it. I love my kids more than I can express. They are so energetic, creative, thoughtful, helpful and loving, to name a few. They give the best hugs, color the sweetest pictures and ask the best questions (that I usually don't have answers to).

Grant loves to sing. If he hears anyone singing, he is quick to join in. In this video he is singing the "optional obligato" to "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home." Not familiar with that one? Take a listen and hear for yourself. Yeah, the Mo-Tab has been calling us trying to recruit him but we think he should wait a few years. He's still kind of young, but he has a bright future in the music industry. Makes my heart smile to hear him sing.


Angie said...

Why can't I hear the there something wrong with my computer!! :(

thack said...

Maybe so...I just tried watching on my computer and the sound worked. But I always seem to have problems with videos, so I'm not sure. Anyone else, do the videos have sound?

AmyJo said...

I heard them, and they are adorable! He is so cute!

Emily said...

So funny that I didn't even notice his little harmony during the event. He is a gem! Can I get a copy?

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, he's adorable! I especially loved his singing!!

Laura Hyde said...

That is so hilarious! I mean adorable! Okay, both! Aren't you so happy you have that on a video? How lucky. I can't seem to capture any of those great moments on video, I always seem to get my camera going right as they are ending. Well done!

Holly said...

Great singing Grant! I love it! Such a nice clear sound too:)

Angela said...

Yeah I heard the sound too. So cute. Right now Ian is my little video to help in the rough times. Kyra will be screaming in timeout and I go over to Ian and he jsut starts smiling and kicking like crazy.

My Many Coloured Days said...

The singing is the best! He is so great, and you have such a wonderful Mommy perspective.

And question - were you joking about being pregnant in your last post (about gaining 5 lbs) or are congratulations in order??

Seth Jenson said...

I think he gets his musical genius from his Daddy.