Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shayla's Kindergarten Grad

What a tear jerker! Her teacher is the sweetest grandmotherly type and just loves her students so much, she had tears in her eyes as she bid them farewell at the end of the program, which in turn caused all of us parents to cry as well.

Shayla has grown up so much this past year--she is excited and ready for 1st grade in the fall.

(The songs they sung were so cute--my favorite was Willie the Walrus. I've tried for 3 days to upload the video--but it's not working! Any helpful hints about uploading videos?)


AmyJo said...

So cute! I have had the best luck with videos by uploading them to my photobucket account then copying the html link to my blogger post. Bloggers video upload never works for me either.

Angela said...

love it! Well done on posting lately, I love being able to see all the cute photos and kiddo happenings!

Holly said...

Congrats Shayla! She is growing up so fast and is such a beautiful girl! How sweet of her teacher. It's always so nice when you get a special teacher like that, who genuinely loves her pupils.