Saturday, June 6, 2009

The new summer-do and saying goodbye

My hair has gotten really long lately--by default, not design. I just haven't gone in to get my haircut for 1 1/2 years. Yikes! So I chopped it short and donated my braids to locks for love. Here are the before and after pictures.
The funniest was seeing my kids after the haircut. Here are their comments:
Garrett: It looks WEIRD.
Shayla: It's so poofy (as she repeatedly tried to pat it down to size)
Ty: It's just so...different.
Luckily Tyler loved it, and I'm happy with it, too.
I feel like my neck grew an inch or two and I'm ready for summer!

The best part of the day was getting to spend time with my sis-in-law Emily one last time before they move. She offered to watch the boys while I got my haircut (a mere 3 days before the moving van comes!--yes, she is amazing). I will miss our fun adventures together (at the outlet malls or Target looking for bargains :), our conference weekend sleepovers, American Idol showdowns, special occasion get-togethers, and all of the good talks and laughs we've had over the past 3 years and just knowing she has been so close. And my kids are really going to miss their cousins! We love and miss you already! Can't wait for the cabin to see you all again.


Anonymous said...

It is so dang cute! I love it. :)

The Grant Family said...

I love the new haircut!

Emily said...

Your hair looks fabulous! And thanks for all the kind words, I am so glad we got a little bonus time together. We miss you already!

Angela said...

Love the hair and the comments by the kiddos!

Seth Jenson said...

Never in all my years! It looks great. :) Meg and I sure do enjoy your blog and wish we lived closer so we could see you guys more.

Laura Hyde said...

I love how you say it's by default not design. I can really relate to that. You have inspired me. I love your hair cut. But I have to admit I really love your kids' comments about it, especially the patting it down part. :)

Holly said...

I love your hair! How cool that you donated it to locks of love. I love that program. Can't wait to see you all up at the cabin!

Chellers said...

You look H-O-T! As if you could ever look anything less... :-)

Nicole said...

So adorable!

Stacey said...

I love your hair cut! It looks great.

McKell H. Costa said...

two words...SO CUTE! I need to get the motivation (and time) to chop mine! We are SO excited to have Brad and Emily out our way now! If you guys ever head this way let us know! (Our house is open to one and all!)

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

acho que estou a precisar assim de um corte radical tambem... eh eh ficou lindo!

Natalie said...

love the new do - short hair just looks so great!

Natalie said...

You have such gorgeous, thick hair. I like it short and long. This cut is perfect for summer.

Congrats on the baby! Can't wait to see what you're having. ;)