Monday, April 20, 2009

Ty's baptism day

My baby is growing up! Ty was baptized on Friday, April 17th, 2009. It was a wonderful baptism with Grandma Wagner, Grandpa and Nana Hacking, and Uncle Brad, Aunt Emily and cousins Braden, Dallin and Trevor in attendance, along with good family friends. Ty was really nervous before the baptism, but afterwards, he was just beaming. I tried to get him to write in his journal, but he didn't have much to say. On Sunday as we were driving in the car Ty said, "I just had the best experience of my life with Dad this weekend." I had to clarify and make sure he was talking about his baptism (which he was) because on Saturday he participated in his first pine wood derby race, and that was quite exciting, too. He is growing up fast and we couldn't be prouder of him!
Here are a few pictures from the big events of the weekend.

Three generations of Hacking men

This is Ty after his baptism--doesn't his smile just say it all?

This was after his car won his first heat at the pinewood derby--the thrill!


The Wilsons said...

Wow--hard to believe he's that old already! Congratulations. What a wonderful experience!!!

AmyJo said...

Congrats Ty! What a special time for you! I can't believe you are old enough to be baptized! Maliya is excited that she will be baptized this summer. She says to tell you 'hi'.

AmyJo said...

P.S. Do you guys have any plans to be out in Utah this summer? It would be fun if our plans matched up :)

Vicki said...

He is such a cutie! It is exciting, your first baptism! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have a 8 year old! What happen to us?! My baby is starting kindergarten this year, kind of twilight zoneish (have no idea how to spell that)

Jen Boswell

Holly said...

Congratulations Ty! We are so happy for you! We love seeing all the pictures and hearing about your special day! You are an awesome cousin and nephew! We love you so much!

Danielle and Derek said...

Ty has the greatest smile ever. Congratulations!

Ana Margarida G. V. da Cruz said...

congratulations on your baptism ty .. I hope that was a special day for you! best this side of the ocean!

Seth Jenson said...

Way to go Ty!! What a beautiful family. I can't believe you have an 8 year old and I'm having my first baby in two weeks. You guys sure did get a huge head start on me.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Joseph gets baptized in a few weeks, too. He is nervous and excited. You are a handsome young man! :)

Chrissy said...

Wow! When I first met you Ty was the age of my youngest! I can't believe how fast time goes by!

Natalie said...

What a special event! Love the pictures - Ty couldn't be happier.

My Many Coloured Days said...

Oh he looks so grown up! What a special day... and so nice to have family there as well.

Angela said...

Congratulations Ty! We are so proud of you.