Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tight with the VEEP

The other day I told the kids to say an extra prayer for Dad because he had an important meeting presenting to one of the VP's. Ty froze in his tracks and with a look of complete disbelief and awe said, "Biden?!!" At least I know he's following politics.


Seth Jenson said...

Smart kid! Hope Tyler's meeting with the veep went well.

Stacey said...

What a clever kid. Although I am not surprised being your child. Your kids say some pretty funny things. I am still laughing about the gorilla.

Seth and Emily said...

That Ty! He's so smart. I think he knows 20 times more about football than me. (which isn't saying too much I guess). That's awesome he knows who the VP is. I think it was amazing I even knew who the Pres. was when I was his age. We hope Tyler's meeting went well. We'll pray for him too. Love you guys. Can't wait to see you in May!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! He is a sharp cookie!