Sunday, December 27, 2009

Grateful for Garrett

The morning my Mom left to go back home, I was on the verge of tears, really missing her and feeling overwhelmed with everything. I was trying to get the kids' lunches made, sign school papers, then get Shayla dressed with snowpants, boots, hat, gloves, etc. and out the door to catch the bus, and Miya was crying. Garrett was very distressed that Miya was crying and was hovering over her trying to get her to stop. I asked him if he could help me by holding her, and he quickly agreed. I finally got Ty and Shayla out the door in time to catch the bus, turned around and this video is what I saw.

What a sweet Garrett I have. Suddenly I knew we were going to be okay because everyone would step up and help out and somehow we would make it. Tender mercies and answers to prayers.

Merry Christmas!

Can you guess who this is?

Santa, that's who!

We inherited this Santa suit from my sil Emily H. and have had so much fun with it!! It is magical--thank you Emily!

Tyler got to deliver Christmas gifts to a few families in our ward in it, and then he made a special appearance (after falling off the roof) Christmas Eve as we gathered with some friends to reinact the nativity. I wish I had pictures of the kids' faces as they spotted Santa out the window, and then when he came in and gave them all candy canes and told them a Christmas secret. They were enthralled and I loved the magic of it all.

But the best moment was when Grant and my niece Felicity sneaked out of bed and were caught by Santa. Felicity froze, and slowly walked backwards into her room without saying a word. Grant just froze, deer in headlights style. Santa asked Grant if he wanted to sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. Grant thought about it for a minute, and then got a huge smile on his face and danced his way over to Santa's lap. Grant has been talking about "Sampa" ever since. "Sampa said "ho, ho, ho."

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

5 kids

4 cars
4 states

2 countries

1 dog

2 fish

2 houses

5 apartments

trials - enough

countless blessings

10 wonderful years

I love you more each day and
can't wait to see what our next 10 years will bring.
Happy Anniversary, love!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Miya's blessing day

Miya's blessing day

We blessed Miya at home on Sunday, Dec. 6th.
It was special to have just a few good friends and my Mom there.

Kevin, Tyler and Jesse performed the ordinance

Admiring their new sister

Miya was done with pictures by this point

My Mom and Grandma J. made this blessing dress when my sister was born.
All of the granddaughters on my side have been blessed in this dress.

I couldn't resist taking some naked baby pictures.

Miya's favorite pasttime.

Doing what she does best :)
Miya (pronounced Mee-ya) is a Japanese name meaning "temple" or "increasingly beautiful."
We had such a hard time naming her, but felt like Miya just fit her perfectly.

More on Miya...

Finally more pictures. Life has been pretty crazy with 5 kids, but we are alive and here are the photos to prove it :)

A little Daddy-daughter time

The kiddos with Grandma

The whole family--I can't believe there are 7 of us!

Grant held Miya for a millisecond and luckily I got a photo of it

My Mom and Miya. It was SO wonderful to have my mom with us for 2 weeks. I wanted to cry when she had to leave. Come back soon and visit, Mom!

Garrett LOVES his little Miya

Sisters! Shayla couldn't be more pleased
(well, she did say she wished Miya were 6 years old like her so they could play :)

Big brother Ty--such a good oldest son

Taking Miya home

Garrett loves to lay on the floor next to Miya and snuggle

We got home from the hospital on Wednesday, and got a phone call an hour later from the school nurse. Shayla broke her arm when she fell off of the zip line at recess.
When it rains, it pours :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Miya Leilani Hacking!

She was born at 1:53pm on Monday November 30th, 2009

and weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 1/2" long.

We are loving our little Miya and are so thankful she is healthy and strong and here!

I'll try and post more pictures and details tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for moose tracks ice cream, warm summer sun, good books (preferrable read while soaking in that warm summer sun), bear hugs from my kids, dates with my love, going barefoot in the grass or sand, the smell of lilacs and plumerias, good friends, laughter (especially Grant's infectious 2 year old laughter), good health, down comforters in the middle of winter, my house right after I've cleaned it (for the 5 minutes that it lasts), my cell phone, freedom, family,
my Savior, life and all of the blessings that it brings.
What are you thankful for?
Enjoy the following video clip and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

and the secret ingredient is...

The other day at lunch Garrett, Grant and I were eating leftover lasagna. This was the conversation Garrett and I had:

G: Hmmm, (as he picked through his lasagna) is there squash in here?

Me: No

G: Bikini?

Me: You mean zucchini?

G: Oh yeah, zucchini (sheepish grin)

I just keep chuckling about it, so I had to record it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nerdy Mom

The other day as I was driving Ty and Shayla to school, Ty told me how embarrassing it is when I send a note in his lunch. His football buddies try to steal it away and tease him about it. no more notes. He's only eight, but I'm already embarrassing him. How is this possible? I thought it wouldn't kick in until middle school. I used to be so cool...I was the expert on everything, and now...

Actually, it started REALLY early with Shayla. Last year I promised Shayla I'd come to lunch with her (she was in Kindergarten) and she was so excited. Well, I had a crazy morning of errands, worked out at the Y, and didn't have time to shower after my workout. I had a choice--skip lunch with Shayla or run over in my workout clothes and keep my lunch date with her. Well, I chose to keep the lunch date, thinking she would rather have me there than skip it just for my pride. Wrong! As soon as she saw me she said, "Mom, your hair is all messy!" She then proceeded to tell me to take my ponytail out and it would look better. Once that correction was made, she seemed okay enough with my appearance to still be excited about having lunch with me. I just thought I had at least 5 years before I had to watch my every move around my kids at school and with their friends.

I remember when I was 12 or 13 The Little Mermaid came out and my Mom took all seven of us kids to go see it. We didn't go to the movies a lot, so we were pretty excited. We went to the store first and each picked out our favorite treat to sneak in with us (you remember those .10 boxes of lemon heads, jaw breakers, etc.), and then settled in at the movies. I remember being SO embarrassed when one of my younger brothers/sisters (can't remember who--but it was probably Jacob) dropped their candy and you could hear it rolling all the way down to the front of the theatre. And then you could hear my little bro crying because he lost his candy. I was trying to sink into my seat so that I wouldn't be seen. And now I look back--what was the big deal? We make much bigger scenes on a daily basis now just going to the grocery store. A few tantrums, spills, scenes...that's nothing! All in a days work :) And you know what? I think it's good for my kids to have some healthy humiliation via their mom -- I'm pretty proud of myself that I can embarrass them so well already. It builds character, right? I think it means I'm doing something right :)

So maybe I'll still sneak an occasional note into Ty's lunch. I told him I'd just put it inside his sandwich and he'd have to eat it to know what it said. He just rolled his eyes. Can't wait until he's a teenager. As for Shayla, she loves getting notes in her lunch, so at least someone appreciates me...for the time being (as long as i fix my hair and put make-up on). Sheesh, who knew it was so tough out there for a nerdy mom.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grant Funnies

Grant is entering such a fun age. He talks like crazy and is always cracking us up.

He got a free yo-yo at the pumpkin festival we attended, and was thrilled with it. He kept calling it his yo-yo-yo, which made him sound like a little rapper.

He loves to "read" books and uses a really funny monotone voice. Hmmmm, is that what I sound like when I read to him? (sorry, couldn't get video to load).

He is his father's son. The other day he was sitting on Tyler's lap as he checked the football scores on the computer. Grant pointed to the Broncos logo and said, "That Broncos...who that?" (as he pointed to the opposing team logo). Tyler couldn't have been prouder :) ( he also knows the Packer's logo--smart kid!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lucky Mama...

So, I've never thought I was an extremely lucky person, but lately, I've been on a winning streak. I've won 3 contests in the past month if you can believe that.

1. Best dessert at our ward chili cook-off. I made a strawberry ruhbarb coffee cake and won a $10 gift card to Culver's. Frozen custard and cheese curds, here I come! Hooray!

2. Free facial at a spa (valued at $55) from Boomerang Kids--a local kids consignment store. This will be my first time having a facial--I can't wait!

3. $50 gift certificate to the Orchard Restaurant from my bank.

So this winning streak reminded me of the last contest I won 2 1/2 years ago. I was 9 months pregnant with Grant, and saw a local hunting shop that was having an open house with free pizza and pop. Tyler was out of town, and I thought it would be the perfect free dinner for us, so we stopped by (looking a bit out of place), ate our pizza and pop, entered a drawing and left. Lo and behold, I get a phone call telling me I had won a compound bow! I didn't even know what a compound bow was, but I won! I went in with all 3.5 kids to pick it up, and found out I had to be fitted for it, which was hilarious considering I was so pregnant. The shop owner asked if I was a hunter and I just laughed. I think he knew I had just come for the free food. So I decided to send Tyler in for it because I knew I'd never use it. I told Tyler he could keep it if he wanted to take up bow hunting or sell it and use the money to buy the road bike he had been wanting. I think he sold the bow for $450 on ebay and put that towards his new bike.

So, I'm thinking about taking a little trip to Vegas to earn money for the kids' college funds :) Anyone want to join me?

By the way, here is the winning recipe from #1 above. It is delicious served warm with ice cream.
Strawberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake

1 box yellow cake mix, divided
2/3 c. packed brown sugar
2 T. cold butter
3/4 c. chopped walnuts
2 eggs
1 c. sour cream
1 1/2 c. finely chopped rhubarb
1 1/2 c. sliced fresh strawberries

In a bowl, combine 2/3 c. cake mix and sugar, mix in butter until crumbly. Add walnuts. Set aside. Place remaining cake mix in another bowl. Add eggs and sour cream. Fold in rhubarb and strawberries. Spread into greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle w/ reserved crumb mixture. Bake at 350 for 45-55 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I am so grateful for my Savior and my husband. Words cannot express how I feel right now, but I will try.

It has been a hard week. I'm so glad it is over, and have hope that next week will be better. On Monday Shayla woke up with a fever, so we snuggled her up in the van as we drove off at 7am to take Tyler to the airport. He had a business trip all week and wasn't getting home until Saturday afternoon. Well, to make a long story short, Shayla passed her fever/flu on to Garrett, and then me and then Grant, and I was taking care of sick kids all week, and not getting much sleep. I'd fall asleep, only to wake up with a sick child, finally get him/her back down, start falling asleep when someone else would wake up and we'd start the whole process over again. By Friday morning I think I was delerious. That's when Tyler came home and rescued us. He is my hero. He asked me if I wanted him to come home, and I told him no, we'd be okay, and I knew he still had things he needed to be at through Saturday. He got off the phone with me, scheduled his flight home and called me back saying he was coming home anyway. How I love my man. He knew I needed him here more than I could say. He got home, picked up my Tamiflu prescription, tucked me into bed, then tucked the rest of the kids into bed and took care of them all night so I could sleep. I slept for 10 hours straight and felt human again when I woke up. Everyone was feeling so much better we were still able to enjoy Halloween and all of the festivities and candy that come with it. And although Garrett has had a relapse today and his fever is back, I know that we are on the mend.

I was studying about Faith in Christ last week and that was such a blessing. I think it was the only thing that got me through. I read that faith is a principle of action--both mental and physical. I thought about that for a long time. What is mental action? I've always thought about the physical action, to act on the promptings and answers we receive, but mental action is a bit more abstract to me. I think means that our thoughts are more powerful than we think. That our faith in Christ needs to be so solid that even when we don't get the things we pray for and desperately need, that our faith should be strengthened in knowing that our Heavenly Father has something even better to teach us and give us through our trial. That thought helped me immensely last week. I tried to thank my Father for the strength to take care of my kids, and for the perspective to know we would eventually get better, and we would make it through. And then when I couldn't do it anymore alone, he sent my husband home to take care of me.
I know my Savior lives and is aware of my every need. He has felt every pain or sorrow I have ever felt, and he understands and loves me perfectly, imperfections, weaknesses and all. I know my prayers and heard and answered in the way that will be eternally best for me. I am blessed.
One of my favorite scriptures: Romans 8:31-39
"31 ...If God be for us, who can be against us?

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.

34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I actually took this pic earlier in the month, no snow on Halloween night
Little Red Riding Hood Shayla, Vampire Ty,
Bam-Bam Grant and Raphael TMNT Garrett
The kids had a blast trick-or-treating with Tyler, even though it was in the 30's
and I had fun passing out candy to the neighborhood kids.
And we now have a years supply of candy on top of our fridge.
The best kid holiday ever invented.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I balanced the camera on the stroller sun-visor, and set the timer--it started slipping but we kinda got the shot!

"Think Happy"
I think they are doing just that

The kids had a 5 day weekend for the WEA, and we planned to go up to Duluth and visit Lake Superior, but the weather was below freezing, and we wimped out.

Instead, we decided to play right here in our own backyard. We had a great time going to the Mall of America and riding all the rides one day, and then played at the indoor WaterPark of America the next. We also spent a day getting projects done around the house and then had a nice relaxing Sunday together. It was such a great family week together.

Grant was such a good sport--there weren't many rides he could do, but he had fun just hanging out with me and jumping everywhere he went.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Love!

Happy Birthday, love!!! I have a feeling 33 is going to be a great year.
Presents and breakfast in bed
Grant helped Tyler blow out his candles

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I know I'm REALLY pregnant when...

1. A little kid walked up to me at church, stared at my belly, pointed, patted my belly and said, "Hey, is there a baby in there or what?"

2. Grant ran across the room to give me a big hug, and his head bounced off of my belly before his arms could wrap around my legs. I laughed pretty hard over that one!

3. Painting my toe nails counts as my workout for the day. I'm talking break-a-sweat-work-out. Really.

4. I try to squeeze between the wall and chair at the table and get stuck.

5. I cannot listen to certain songs (okay, pretty much any song that involves love, kids, patriotism, beautiful melody, etc.) on the radio without tears flowing down my cheeks. Truly a driving hazard.

6. I would give anything to sleep through the night--3am wake up calls are the norm.

7. The perpetual food spilled on my belly, or the line of water on my belly after doing the dishes or washing my hands.

8. I have to turn sideways to do the dishes.

9. My walk is a waddle, no matter how hard I concentrate on walking normally.

10. Belly button...where'd ya go?

11. The men who think it's okay to rub my belly while they talk to me. Would they ever do that to a non-pregnant woman? Of course not! But really, what's the difference, it's still my body.

About the photos...(BTW, these are NOT photos of me--just the best of what I found when I googled "huge pregnant belly.") Notice the sweet baby foot in the photo below--amazing! The first photo I will look at when I'm feeling particularly huge--it could always be worse.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun with the Hackings

Courtesy of some creative friends of ours--who knew we had such a cool name?!!

Definition of the Hacking Family:

When they are eating between meals, they are Snacking Hackings.

When they are piled up together, they are Stacking Hackings.

When they are going on vacation, they are Packing Hackings.

When they are fighting, they are Smacking Hackings.

When they are hunting, they are Tracking Hackings.

When they are flirting, they are Macking Hackings.

When they are at war, they are Attacking Hackings.

When they are poor, they are Lacking Hackings.

When they are encouraging others, they are Backing Hackings.

When they are celebrating Easter, they are Cracking Hackings.

When they are being kidnapped, they are Sacking Hackings.

When they are talking a lot, they are Yacking Hackings.

When they are sailing up wind, they are Tacking Hackings.

When they are playing the mole hitting game at the fair, they are Wacking Hackings.

When they are lazy, they are Slacking Hackings.

When they are polishing their Sunday shoes, they are Blacking Hackings.

When they are feeding ducks, they are Quacking Hackings.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Minnesota State Fair

This was our last hurrah of summer. Oh, the food we consumed. All fried and on a stick. We enjoyed everything so much we forgot to take pictures of it. We enjoyed fried cheese curds (my fav), grilled chocolate sandwiches, brat burgers, garlic fries, fresh rootbeer, chocolate milk, ice cream and cotton candy. What's not to love about the fair?

Riding the bus from the park-n-ride to the fair

Strangest freebie at the fair--yes, it is Maple Bacon flavored chapstick.

How did THAT get past the focus groups? Yuk!



Grant LOVED this ride. His laugh was infectious and I love re-living this moment.

Garrett doing push-ups for the Army

Ty doing push-ups for the army guy (for a free t-shirt)Grant just enjoyed watching the girls do push-ups :)

Milking the fake cow

Cotton Candy

Grant wouldn't even try it--I think he thought it really was cotton.

This is how we all felt by the end of the day.

Amazing bike/skateboarding show

Screaming, laughing, no-hands good time