Monday, November 3, 2008

Playing Catch-up...

So I forgot I had a blog for a while, and thought I'd finally post some pictures again! Here is starting in September and catching up through October. Enjoy! Shayla's first day of Kindergarten. So grown up!

Garrett and Grant manning the garage sale food stand. Garrett sold a lot of bananas/apples--he's quite the persuasive salesman.

Tyler biked 100 miles in the Jessie James bike race. What an accomplishment!
Garrett and Grant trying to catch a grasshopper hiding under the van.
Partners in crime.
Garrett's first day of Joy School! (this is my 5th consecutive year teaching co-op preschool and I love it! It's a good thing, because as soon as Garrett is done, Grant will be up...maybe I'll open my own preschool someday :)

This happy, fiesty boy loves to throw everything! Notice the tomato stains on his shirt--he loved to pick fresh tomatoes from the garden and eat them when no one was looking.

Happy 32nd, Lani!

On the hayride at the apple orchard--kindergarten field trip
Shayla at the orchard
Enjoying a nature center with cousins--a weekend of conference fun, too
Grant LOVED feeding and grabbing the goat
Apple picking with Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jack--what a fun visit!

Ty finished up a fun season of flag football--his favorite sport so far.

Tyler and his Dad painted and fixed everything in the house during Tyler's week off--
I love my new house!!!
Dad and Ty painting and bonding
The Fab Four
Garrett's field trip to the grocery store--lots of fun and samples for all!
Reading time for the Grants

Happy 32nd b-day, Tyler!!!

Garrett (Peter Pan) with his preschool buddies on Halloween
Vampire Ty, Queen of Hearts Shayla, Ninja Garrett and Bam-bam Grant
This was the best pic we could get of the kids. Grant was not happy, but cheered up when he started trick-or-treating and saw his candy stash grow. It was a warm night--no jackets for the kids and they loved every minute of it.
Happy Halloween!


The Wilsons said...

So excited to see you back in the blogging world! :) Loved the catch-up. Your family is SO beautiful!!

Angela said...

Yeah you did a post with pictures! The kiddos are getting so big, I need to see Grant before he is running with the rest of them or maybe he already is. Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun!

Steph said...

I was starting to worry about you! I've missed the pictures of your sweet kids and family. Great catch guys have sure been busy. Love the adventures of your family!!`

The Grant Family said...

Thanks for the pics. Glad you finally updated your blog. :) How did your lesson go on Sunday?

Just a word of advice- you should turn on word verification. My friend got 22 spam emails in one night.

Lynn and Sherry Whyte said...

What fun to see your pictures. The kids are so cute. We know they keep you all on the run. Don't forget if you ever get to Virgina we'd love to have you all come for a visit!

Seth Jenson said...

I saw Ricky, Grant, and Annette all in the same weekend. It's always fun seeing members or your family. Shayla is such a beautiful little girl!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you went! Nice to see you again. :) Grant is your little Mini Me- so cute!

Vicki said...

Your family has grown since we saw you last! I am so glad we are able to keep in touch like this now. It's nice to get to know everyone better (we feel so far away!). Cute pics!

Angie said...

Great pics! I can't believe how tall Ty looks and Shayla's so beautiful. G&G look like they have a great time together! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!!

Holly said...

I love all the pictures. I love reading your blog. My kids love looking these pics of your kids and hearing what they have been up to as well! That's the thing I love so much about blogging we feel like we've had a little visit and my kids still get to know their cousins even though we can't be together as much as we'd like to.