Saturday, November 8, 2008

I survived my 11 mile run...

I've been training for a marathon (to be run on Jan. 17th in Milwaukee) and today was my 11 mile run. So this morning I drove to my halfway point, planted my delicious homemade powerbar and water bottle, and drove home to start. It was pretty cold (30's), but it felt great once I got going. I was at about the 6.5 mile mark when I saw a van coming towards me. I ran onto the shoulder before I realized it was MY van. Yes, Tyler loaded up all the kids and came to find me, honking the horn, flashing the lights and cheering just to give me some moral support. I love my husband--he rocks! So, Ty hopped out of the van in running gear and started running with me.

Long story short, Ty ended up running the last 4.5 miles with me (I was so proud of him!) and Tyler just followed us all the way in the van. Grant fell asleep in his carseat, and Shayla and Garrett were unbuckled and running all over the van like it was a party (and watching cartoons on Tyler's phone). It was by far my funnest run yet. I just wish I had a picture to post :)

Actually, I'll just post a picture of Grant. Later when we had lunch we were watching Sports Bloopers on TV, and I was blocking his view. So this is a picture of him leaning out so he could see around his mom's big head :)


Chellers said...

You are a superstar. What a fun description. Good luck with the marathon. I'm trying to work up to a sprint-distance triathlon in the Spring. Gotta get rid of this baby weight somehow...
Beautiful kiddos, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Heehee...we're on each other's blogs at the same time! I love that you are doing the marathon! Lindsey Boud has done three in the last year! Can you believe that? She runs with the CTRs...Chicks That Run! You are awesome. I'm amazed that Ty ran all that way with you.

The Grant Family said...

Good for you Lani. That's a great story of family support. Your family is awesome. Do you remember how cold it is in January?

lani said...

Jill, yes, I have a vague memory of January (shudder), but it's an indoor marathon. It's at a huge ice rink with a track around it--we have to do 94 laps to get in 26.2 miles. Can't wait! BTW, I really enjoyed your lesson today. And I'm sorry about your basement--that stinks (no pun intended...)
And Rach--that's awesome you are doing a sprint-triathalon. Tyler did one last year and really loved it.
Nat--I didn't know Lindsey ran marathons! That is awesome!

Angela said...

wow...11 miles is great, but running when its 30 outside is unbe-freekin-lievable. great job...also, it sounds like ty ready to run hood to coast with us..devan

Holly said...

Way to go Lani! I'm so impressed! With you and your family!!! How sweet of Tyler and the kids to come and cheer you on! This entry just makes me cry! I love it! Love you guys!

Stacey said...

Woo Hoo! That is great. That takes a lot of determination and goal planning to run a marathon. Congrats on hitting the 11 mile mark. What a fun run for Tyler and the family to join you. I think that is just a neat family activity. You are super.

Emily said...

You need to see if they'll let the party van drive the track during the race!

Seth and Emily said...

Wow, Lani. I can't believe you. You are amazing! That is awesome you are training for a marathon. That's awesome what Tyler and the kids did for you. Ty can run 4.5 miles?! You are raising olympians!Are you really coming the Sat. before Thanksgiving?!!! We can't wait! Yay! That is so exciting! We are getting a piano this Saturday Lani! I am going to learn. I hope you will play it for us, and I could sing around the piano for days. It is one of my favorite family traditions. I can't wait for you to come and see our house! We are painting and it is starting to look like we really live here! :)

Seth and Emily said...

P.S. Grant has teeth! What a cutie! His head is so round. I haven't seen him since he was 3 weeks old. And now he is running around! It has been too long.

Angela said...

How sweet. Way to go doing a marathon!

Steph said...

It's hard to decide who rocks more, you or Tyler?? Love your stories, and recipes - I just made the pinapple chicken a week ago, and I'll have to try the soup recipe. I just made some kickin' chowder today.

Vicki said...

It's awesome that you are running a marathon! Nash and I ran a 9 mile race in September and the temps were in the 80's. I thought I was going to die! We finished in 1hr 33mins. So You go Girl!

Natalie said...

Training for a marathon? That's awesome. You GO, Lani! I loved this post. So cute that the whole fam was along for your run.

Seth Jenson said...

You've got quite the blog following. The picture of Grant peering around your head made me laugh. Way to go on the marathon! I need to get myself in gear and do something along those lines next year.