Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a perfect summer day...

So, I stole Angie's idea about letting each of the kids call the shots one day this week, and it has been a fun week so far. Today Ty picked going to Willow River State Park and picnicking and swimming in the river. It was a gorgeous day, the water was freezing and the kids were braver than their mom. I've got some cute pictures, but my computer hasn't been working, so those will have to come later.

Ty was swimming laps until he met some buddies and starting trying to catch minnows (unsuccessful) the rest of the time. Shayla and Garrett swam, played in the sand and then played on the playground, while Grant swam and then tried to set a new world record for putting disgusting objects in his mouth (rocks, sand, goose poop, cigarette butts...you get the picture). I've discovered that I've mellowed a bit as a parent from 1st to 4th child, and it's okay. Expectations shift from "don't let the baby put anything dirty in his mouth" to "try not to let him swallow it, and if he does, try not to get too grossed out by it and pray for the best." It's not entirely a bad thing, right?!

All in all, it was a perfect summer day--I couldn't ask for more. Tomorrow is Garrett's day--picnic in the canyon followed by obstacle course in the tennis courts. Should be entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I'm just sitting here nodding my head! I'm so glad I was at that "hope for the best" point when Joseph licked the toilet seat in the public restroom when he was two. Otherwise I'm quite sure I would have had a heart attack!

AmyJo said...

That sounds like such a fun day! What a good idea.
When do your kids start school?

Steph said...

I think you might be tired after this week! I love the idea though! :)

Seth and Emily said...

Your kids are just so awesome! I wish I could see you guys everyday. I think that you're on the right track with the mom thing. I ate rocks when I was a baby, and I turned out ok...right?

Teuscher said...

Thank goodness for experience. It makes my days less stressful with the younger ones, but the new challenges with the older ones somehow balance it all out. I do notice myself glad when the major issue of the day was to stop the baby from "swallowing anything too bad"! ( Because I know it can always me worse!)

Angie said...

I hope your week turned out well! I think it's actually a bit of a break, instead of always having to be "fair" you just listen to the king/queen for the day! Love 'ya!

Angela said...

Sounds fun, what a great idea!

Holly said...

Sounds like you had a great week! You guys are always fun! The obstacle course sounds like a cool idea.