Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Dominican Republic

Tyler's parents own a condo on the beach in the Dominican, and we were blessed to spend a week there, just the two of us. We each finished our books (Manhunt and Pope Joan--both excellent), snorkeled (Tyler did SCUBA), had lots of beach/pool time, ate delicious fresh seafood, went dancing (the Bachata!), horseback riding, and met wonderful new friends. We are already dreaming about our next trip down. Enjoy the photos! These motorcycles were the main mode of transportation. The man in the red shirt is holding a baby, covered by the white blanket. Who knew a family of four could get around on a motorcycle! We are truly blessed living in the U.S.
This is an elementary school--K-5, I believe
Our friends, Coco and Pedro (with the gun). He was the night guard. Tyler and I went on a walk our first night, and he popped out of the darkness and escorted us, showing us all around the grounds. Coco was the one who took us dancing.
Rincon Beach
Diving in--Cascada de Limon
The frog dive
The waves would wash up over our feet--my all-time favorite reading spot
Our lunch on the beach--lobster and fish--delish!
horseback ride to the waterfall
Cascada de Limon!
The beach in front of the condo--locals loved to swim there--
notice the huge cruise ship in the distance.
Gorgeous view of the ocean at the house of some friends we met at the beach
Random building
Banca's were found every few blocks--they sold lottery tickets
Carmen teaching me how to dance the "Bachata"
Coco teaching me how to dance
Tyler and I showing the locals how the gringos dance--yeah, we were REALLY good!
Gas was $6/gal., so they really knew how to pack a truck
My view when Tyler went SCUBA diving.
Tyler heading out on the boat to SCUBA--
he saw a lobster, stingray and lots of neat fish and coral.
Octopus caught in the ocean by the condo
Carmen and Joselina prepared a delicious dinner of lobster and octopus for us. The octopus was a bit chewy, but the flavor was great. The pool by the beach
Ahhhhh, we had such a great visit.


Emily said...

Wow you guys, makes me want to go back so bad! We really need to try and do a sibling and spouse get away here. It would be so fun and, of course, all of us out dancing would have the locals in stitches.

Angela said...

Sure looks like you had fun. I love how friendly you two are and make friends where ever you go! I like Emily's idea!

Steph said...

WOW! That place looks amazing- I am jealous. It has so much local culture- that makes it seem so adventuresome and exciting. Love all the pictures- and you look so happy :) Just think all those long winters- you can imagine yourself on that beach...

The Grant Family said...

Yep, I'm coming with you guys next time whether you like it or not. :) I laughed at the picture of the flying white boy doing a frog dive.

Anonymous said...

Puerto Rico? The Dominican Republic? What a charmed life you lead! I'm jealous! And may I say that you are my hero for posting a bathing suit pic? You look fantastic!

The Fergie's said...

Looks so amazing, you guys deserve a great vacation!

Grammy Christy said...
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Angie said...

How fun! I loved the pictures! I guess you're off the hook for not being in Utah for our partial reunion. The Domincan Republic tops Utah any day! :)

Seth Jenson said...

Oh wow, now I REALLY feel homesick. Great pics Lani! Love to ones of you guys in the pool and the view with your feet and the one of Tyler diving, and..... all of them really. Great pics! I love that place. I wonder if those were the same kids swimming on the beach. Such sweet kids.

melanie said...

That is so great that you got to do that!!! It looks so relaxing.

Chellers said...

What a fun fun fun trip!! Peej and I talk about going on a vacation WITHOUT kids all the time. Maybe someday we'll follow your awesome example.