Monday, June 30, 2008

More Puerto Rico pics.

I'm having technical difficulties with my slide show, so I'm just going to post photos the old-fashioned way. We had a wonderful time visiting Tyler's parents and seeing the island. Coming soon are pics that Tyler and I took while in the Dominican Republic. We spent a week at the condo there while Mom and Dad watched our kids. It was pure bliss!Grant was all smiles with his football
Shayla pushed Grant/Garrett all over the island
The festive dancers at San Cristobal Fort
Enjoying the view from the fort

Ty caught a crab!
Gazebo by the ocean
What a breeze!
Garrett catching crabs
Iguana--he was huge!
Less than a month to retirement!!!
Eating outside in the backyard
Giant bubbles!


The Wilsons said...

Leilani--hi!!! I found your blog some time ago, I think on Renee's, but I've just been reading and enjoying seeing your AMAZING family w/o ever saying "hello"! So, hello! :) You guys look wonderful, and seeing the kids so grown up is amazing to me!

It looks like you're having a terrific summer. Hope it continues to be just as fun!

We are well--if you have a chance to drop me an email ( so that I have your email address, I'd love to send you an invite to our family blog. We're not up to four kiddos yet, but #3 is on the way!

Oh, and...random question of the day...are you missing the Gospel Art Kit picture of the couple married in the temple? When we moved from Indiana, I realized that I had it with some of my music stuff that you returned to me, and I assumed it must be yours. So I was going to mail it, but I didn't have your new address, and I never tracked you down. Anyway...

Have a good one!

Jennifer Wilson :)

. said...

wow - looks like you know how to vacation! We didn't even have enough money to drive to Utah for my family reunion this summer =( oh well - I hope to follow in your footsteps one of these coming years - SO FUN! Adorable pictures, too!

Seth and Emily said...

We wish we could be there. It is almost a tease to see all your pictures. We really missed you last week. It would have almost been a full family reunion.

The Grant Family said...

Loved seeing your vacation pictures.

Holly said...

We loved the pictures and can't wait to see the ones from the DR! How fun to see the kids catching crabs and what a great shot of that enormous iguana. Wow! We also really loved the picture of Mom and Dad. We need to get a copy of that one! Keep them commin'.

Steph said...

You guys look like you had the time of your lives! Lots of wildlife to enjoy, and a week by yourself with your hubby...what else could be better?? I bet you were right at home in the warm climate.

Bethany @ The Paper Pony said...

What a fantastic family trip. It looks like a great time was had by all.

Chrissy said...

Wow, It's been a long time - and your family is gorgeous! I have missed you Leilani! I hope we can meet up sometime - do you still have family in Utah? We went to the mission reunion this last year. It would have been fun to see you there. I would love to catch up any way we can (email?).

much love,

Chrissy Blickenstaff

Seth Jenson said...

Hi guys!! I loved that pic of Grant and Annette. One of my favorite couples. What a great time you guys had in PR. I felt homesick looking at the pics and I've never even been there!