Having 5 kids makes it pretty hard to spend one-on-one time with any of them. We've tried in the past to take them out on one-on-one dates but then things would get crazy and we'd stop doing them. This summer we scheduled a date just every other Saturday, Tyler and I trading off. We had to set some parameters so no one broke the bank. They get to pick some (free) activity (park, raquetball, swimming, etc.) followed by their choice of treat.
So far we have played raquetball followed by cheese curds and custard at Culver's with Grant, Garrett and Shayla. Ty decided to mix things up a bit and chose to go running at Willow River State Park followed by cheese curds and custard at Culver's. It has been such a great thing.
Grant and I played raquetball this past Saturday and then chatted over our lunch. I asked him how he liked sharing a room with Shayla, and he confided in me that he liked sharing with Shayla but he didn't like his bed. Who wouldda thought? Yes, it turns out that he really doesn't care for his blue sheets. He wants red, lots of red. And not just the blankets. He wants to paint the whole bed red. Now, would I ever have known this if I hadn't been out on a date with him? Probably not. Now I have to figure out how to break it to him that I'm not going to paint his bunk bed red, but that we could try and get him a red blanket for his bed.